ROLLER PIGEONS FOR SALE 417-935-4751 or text only 417-319-3453. USDA Certified Roller Pigeon Loft. Ruby strain of Birmingham Rollers only. Prices start at $25 and up. See real pictures of birds for sale. Order online or call. Accept credit and debit cards. Ship Nationwide. Classic colors and patterns include Checks, Bars, Grizzles, Recessive Reds, Baldheads, Tortishells, Almonds, Splashes, Badges, Opal, Dilues and more! Ship Weekly
The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > E-Mails

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4 posts
Jul 21, 2008
5:00 PM
How can you e-mail individuals ?
1077 posts
Jul 21, 2008
5:03 PM
you ask another indivitual for there email adress then you email them
Watts uppp homeboy
1861 posts
Jul 21, 2008
5:27 PM
If everyone would fill out their personal profile, all you would have to do is click on the user's name and there it would be! You can even put a little info about yourselves and your birds. Some of us even put picks of our birds and lofts up for those interested! Just an idea some of older members did and still do, to keep in contact with each other!

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