Newbie 08
7 posts
Aug 05, 2008
1:50 PM
have my first starter kit.5 birds maybe 60 days old. How long before I let them out? they've been caged now 1 week they have access to two screen kit cages through trap doors attached to main loft. I've been feeding them twice a day morning and evening.I whisle at feeding time which they all fly to the floor of the loft. I'm a bit anxious but don't want to loose them.
Last Edited by on Aug 05, 2008 1:57 PM
207 posts
Aug 05, 2008
1:57 PM
lots of good posts on this subject. Before you let them out you want them to know where food and water, and a safe perch are. I placed mine in a cage on top of the kit box, I moved them slightly each day, but kept them where they could see the kit box. I would then have them trap to eat from the cage. After a 10 or 12 days of this, I under fed them , and taped there last 3 or 4 flight feathers, and sat them on top of the kit with out the cage. After a few minutes I called them in and fed them. After that they were fine. I have read articles about homing them in 5 days, but I would keep it close to 2 weeks. Good luck. ---------- RT Williams
793 posts
Aug 05, 2008
2:38 PM
After I remouve the youngster from there parents around 30 days old I leave them in the kit box for 1 week. I feed them all they want and water 24/7. They should know were is the water and food by then. Then I start to cut down the food so they know I'm the source for food and whistle every time before feeding. When I think they are ready I just open the door and they go out and in by them self. The first days I let them be pigeons in a matter of days they start to fly and then to kit. The sooner you release them the better and faster they kit. They should kit in a matter of 1-2 weeks after they start to go out and in from the kit cage.
---------- SALAS LOFT
Newbie 08
8 posts
Aug 05, 2008
2:45 PM
now the kit box is where they exit and enter?? i'm new at the terminology. Or the cage where you keep only the birds you are flying ??
Last Edited by on Aug 05, 2008 2:46 PM
796 posts
Aug 05, 2008
2:53 PM
This are my kit cages and there trap door is big so they go in and out when I leave it open.
![Photobucket]( ---------- SALAS LOFT
Last Edited by on Aug 05, 2008 2:54 PM
1477 posts
Aug 06, 2008
11:35 AM
I train my birds in a 4 weeks sequence time frame. first week at 4 weeks old in the kit box food all day 2nd week at 5weeks old .I leave the trap open with a cage that connects top of kitbox and entrance to trap door they go in and out as they please and always whistling when fed .third week at 6 weeks old I leave them out trap close all day whistle in at 5pm and fed and water lessening the feed at end of week ,.. 4th week at 7 weeks of age I take cage off and let out with no disturbance in and out trap open free to fly if they want ,some start to fly around at that age especially the curious one when they notice the cage is 8 weeks old I hide behind the kitbox and I scare them off with a flag drop the flag fast and hide it this way they scare of the flag not me .they circle around some scatter I let them do this for 5 mins and shake feed can and whistle it again a couple of time each day a little longer .they flying and kitting in no time and well train I never lost a bird this way in all my years with pigeons ,they learn their surroundings and who is the kit master and home is a safe place . at times I put them in a box and walk a few feet from kitbox and let out so they can fly to the kitbox I do that when they really really young .but the real training I describe above is how I do it. patience is the key,. ---------- Ralph
Last Edited by on Mar 31, 2009 7:28 PM