832 posts
Aug 28, 2008
12:31 PM
Why is it that my birds come out hot and then flat out in the rest of the fly? It would be nice if they keep the same routine the rest of the fly but no.
Also ones they start to get lower around 30 feet they just keep circling around the loft and not land for 10+ minutes. I don't like this as it's dangerous for some birds that might want to roll that low. I breed them to have control but still flying that low sooner or later they might hit.
It seems that they want to come down but they still have a lot of energy left. If I feed them less they will not go up and fly even lower for more time.
I feed them 50/50 Milo/wheat
What other grains make the birds fly higher?
---------- SALAS LOFT
3136 posts
Aug 28, 2008
1:34 PM
They are excited on liberation and that excitment stimulates the roll. You can't keep then just on wheat and milo for too long of period. You got to cycle them back to a mix that will up the protien a little and also a little bit of fat. Do that for about five days and then begin feeding them down with wheat and milo.
Don't fly the same mature kit everyday no matter what cycle of feed you got them on. Once every three days is okay. Of course a lot what you will do will depend on the characteristics of the family you fly.
Your youngsters fly them everyday and even twice if you have the time. You have to decide how you want to nurture your younsters with feed; where they are at in thier development etc, etc. ---------- Just My Take On Things
Nick Siders
833 posts
Aug 28, 2008
1:47 PM
I will give them some mix grain as I have not give them none for a while already. That might be the problem right now.
---------- SALAS LOFT
1537 posts
Aug 28, 2008
2:08 PM
Take the birds and rest them for about 7 days but on your first day give them all the mix protein they want ,than on your 2nd day 2 cups than 3th day 1 1/2 ,4th day 1 cup 5th day half a cup 6th rest no feed give vitamins in water only ,,all day. 7th day no feed water only the 2 days with out feed will rest their organs,8th day fly early and watch how they will do.mine usually after this treatment on the third day are doing what i want flying low and they are happy as can be.. then you can start breaking them down with your wheat and milo. If you try this tell me what day did yours get into the grove. ---------- Ralph