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782 posts
Aug 30, 2008
9:51 AM
I see more interest in the 30 point system.. GREAT..!! I have tried to explain it, but I thought a simple explanation was enough.... Apparently not... So here is my effort at a more detailed set of rules. I would like other input on how to explain scoring speed. Personally, I just do it based on experience, but It is hard to explain. Paul Gomez
THIRTY POINT SYSTEM OF JUDGING THE BIRMINGHAM ROLLER To be used for the evaluation of the performance of an individual bird.
Three categories of the rollers performance are judged on a scale of one to ten. The scores of the three categories are then added to produce a final score.
1. SPEED. The first category must be estimated by those judging based on their knowledge and experience . A ten would represent the absolute limit of speed possible for a rolling pigeon. 2. STYLE. The highest score, ten, would require the wings to be held as high as possible with the tips touching while in the spin. A small hole must be present when viewed from the side at the proper angle. Nine points would require the wings to be held straight up and parallel. The hole must be present when viewed from the side. Eight points require that the wings are held high, slightly open from the parallel position. A hole should be present. As the angle of the wings open the quality of the roll decreases. Birds having a 45 degree angle between the wings should score no higher than six points. Likewise, below the eight point score level the hole will have degenerated and/or disappeared entirely. Five points are scored for the bird whose wings are held more outwards than upwards. No hole will be visible in this bird. The farther outward the position of the wings, the lower will be the score. 3. FREQUENCY/DEPTH. This category combines these two aspects of performance because one tends to offset the other. The exceptionally deep bird is unlikely to be very frequent. Conversely, the exceptionally frequent performer is almost always the short spinning hard worker. Ten points should be reserved for the exceptional bird which is both very deep and very frequent. Nine points would require that the bird be either very deep with regular performance, or very frequent with good depth. Eight points would require the bird to roll deeply and for it’s performance to be regular, or that it is very frequent with moderately deep roll. Seven points would require the bird to roll moderately deep and to be a regular performer, or that it is very frequent and somewhat deep. At the discretion of the judges the scoring will be awarded in a descending scale down to one point as frequency and depth decrease.
*The bird will be judged for twenty minutes from the point that time is called by the competitor. **The bird must roll from the kit for it’s performance to be considered. *** ALTERNATE JUDGING: Multiple judges can score the bird’s performance, their scores can be averaged. If there are more than three judges, the high and low scores can be eliminated and the remaining scores averaged.
1670 posts
Aug 30, 2008
10:29 AM
Hey Paul,
Just letting you know, because last time you asked. Keith London fly's for the QSDC finals tomorrow at 8:30am at his house on Western and 83rd. Steve Smith flys at 6:30 am.
---------- Efren Lopez SGVS
784 posts
Aug 30, 2008
10:41 AM
Thanks Efren, I'll try to make it. I'll see if my friend can shoot video too. Paul G
1800 posts
Aug 31, 2008
1:54 AM
Good work Paul, thanks for sharing. ---------- Sal Ortiz
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