1581 posts
Sep 15, 2008
7:31 PM
That way is good but like you said this only works on some way i never lost a roller. Put them in there kit box which is there home .1-week let them come out the trap door but have a cage attach to it leading to the top so they can study their surrounding and you whistle every time you gonna feed them.2nd week leave them out with trap door close and open it when its time to call in for feeding with whistle always remember that.third week take cage out and leave trap door open and make sure you fed them half of what they ate the day before lets say instead of 1 table spoon give half table spoon ,or if they are older don't feed at all the night sit and just watch them come out and don't move let them be curious with the cage not being there for about a week,one week of that if they are 7 weeks old going in and out as they please .the next week if not flying on their own i will flag but not chasing with it just up and put down quick like they won't even notice it was me let them go up and back down call in and reward them for landing on there kitbox.5 mins flying first couple days its good .before you know it they be up and flying longer .. the feed is the secret to control them..never forget that.. be patience and every thing will be alright.. ---------- Ralph