how can we keep a variety of colors in our birds. Electric man val im going to use you as an example. sorry hope you dont mind. for ex. Val's has a lot of grizzles in his family, how can he maintain his other colors? do we pair up our birds? 1.different color matings ex. grizzle to a check/bar etc. or 2.the same colored matings ex. check/bar wid a other check/bar to maintain colors in our lofts because some colors are more dominant than others. bc the last thing that any fancier would want is same colored and marking on all of his birds. thanks.-joe v.
Last Edited by on Oct 02, 2008 11:15 PM
I have a family of lovely black grizzles and find that due to close pairing they are turning mostly white,i pair for performance now from good turning birds but i am ending up with fancy markings anyhow,jim uk.