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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > my almost finished breeding boxes
my almost finished breeding boxes

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31 posts
Oct 04, 2008
6:31 PM
kongo: nice setup tou hope its gonna give you what u wanted and no problems on the woods anytime thats what cuz are for.
107 posts
Oct 04, 2008
7:44 PM
hows it gonna look like when its done?

donnie james
5 posts
Oct 04, 2008
8:35 PM
hay tou very nice set up when you get done with them donny james
108 posts
Oct 04, 2008
8:44 PM
i still don't get it.
whats it gonno look like with a door?
is it gonna be a kit like breeder with individual pairs?

510 posts
Oct 04, 2008
10:09 PM
nice start out tou. It's lookin good. Keep up the great work..
830 posts
Oct 05, 2008
4:07 AM
Looks good tou, I'm glad you are sticking with the birds and improving your set up!
3127 posts
Oct 05, 2008
10:15 AM
Hey Tou,nice effort but I won't BS ya.If you're still in high school,it might be a good idea to get into a woodworking course,maybe even cabinet making to improve on your skills.Good Luck!!
Rum-30 Lofts
1705 posts
Oct 05, 2008
10:21 AM
It looks real good.. but kind of flimsy in some places.. Good luck! Might wanna add a couple things so it gets a little more strength to it.

1706 posts
Oct 05, 2008
10:33 AM
Here's one of mine..

1707 posts
Oct 05, 2008
10:36 AM
The top two house my doves overnight.. And now that there older they live with the pigeons during the day. I am building a heated loft for them pretty soon. My roller pairs just came out of there.. a few weeks ago..

RXR Loft
270 posts
Oct 05, 2008
11:32 AM
tou, work with you got, if $ are low check with local industry lots of their delivery's are crated and they put that wood in the trash.

I made my new break up boxes with the same kind of wood.
check it out

for some reason photo bucket is letting post photos..?

have fun
RxR Loft
Roll'em if you got'em...Photobucket

Last Edited by on Oct 05, 2008 12:05 PM
1708 posts
Oct 05, 2008
11:56 AM
In some Internet programs like Mozilla Firefox, photobucket, most of the time, will not let you post photos, they will just not show up....

853 posts
Oct 05, 2008
12:39 PM

Just have them a little more up away from the ground because of spyders. And it's good to put some chinese chalk on the bottom of the cages for miraculous insecticide.
642 posts
Oct 05, 2008
5:27 PM
I like those big boxes. I am going to build some huge individuals for the upcoming breeding season.
1870 posts
Oct 05, 2008
6:14 PM
Tou, good work! Hey let us see the finished product when you are done.

Kopesta, real nice.

RxR, nice bro.
Sal Ortiz
14 posts
Oct 06, 2008
6:35 PM
That looks something like some of my individual breeding boxes. Each compartments on mine is 24in x48in x16 tall. The whole cage is 2 feet wide 8 feet long and 4 feet tall on 2x4 legs and has 6 individual breeding compartments. On mine I have two doors per compartment one that is about three feet wide and the other about a foot wide. I can open the small door for feeding etc. so it is easier to control the birds and then open both doors to clean. the doors are 2x2 frames covered with hardware cloth. It makes a pretty good set up for me. I am thinking about making another one and putting it in the back of an 8 foot by 8 foot by 7 foot tall fly pen. That way I can shut them up for individual breeding and then once the birds are on eggs I can just open up the small doors and let the birds out in the fly pen until the are ready for the next round of eggs.
jt smash
40 posts
Oct 06, 2008
11:37 PM
HELLO MR.VANG. GOOD START. YOU MIGHT WANT TO ADD SOME 2X4;S FOR added strength ,MEANING FRAME IT . TILT THE ROOF BACK, as not to collect water on top. add some roofing paper and shingles.LiFT IT UP OFF OF THE GrOUND about three feet. add your doors and you are ready to go.

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