432 posts
Oct 14, 2008
8:18 AM
can anyone show me how black badge, blue badge, red badge, etc. looks like? i always hear these colors but dont know how they look like. thanks
237 posts
Oct 14, 2008
8:54 AM
Here is a Black White Flight Badge.
Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2008 8:54 AM
41 posts
Oct 14, 2008
10:57 AM
here's a pic of my red badge w/f
 here's a pic of my black badge w/f
norlan hollingate
955 posts
Oct 14, 2008
11:15 AM
hi tou vang ask for spinner jim on the uk site
those pics are nice
1789 posts
Oct 14, 2008
2:29 PM
Hey here is a future badge.. :) On his head he has a lot of white coming too.. especially on the other side.

Hey guys would this following one be? (It also has white wing tips)

---------- Andrew
Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2008 2:30 PM
26 posts
Oct 14, 2008
3:36 PM
Tou Basicly any bird that has white on its head that is not a bald head is considered a badge.
433 posts
Oct 14, 2008
3:44 PM
thanks guys for the help.
indy, do they have to have w/f or just the almost baldhead thing?
26 posts
Oct 14, 2008
4:18 PM
isn't that first one a Pied?...
andrew your sec pic is a beared..
Opinionated Blowhard
110 posts
Oct 14, 2008
5:23 PM
Yes. the second pic is a beard. Tecknically the first pic is a badge whitewing, not a badge whiteflight. Whiteflight is a bird with 1 or 2 white flight feathers. Equaly mixed dark and light flight feathers is a mixwing. A bird with mostley white flights on one wing and self flights on the other is an oddwing.
303 posts
Oct 14, 2008
5:41 PM
what makes a bird a badge ---------- jerry t
688 posts
Oct 14, 2008
5:48 PM
Are badges considered soft or hard color birds? ---------- BIG WILLY TOPP FLIGHT/NCRC
1281 posts
Oct 14, 2008
6:04 PM
I would say they are soft color. ---------- 454 TRIPLE "G" LOFT L.P.R.C
238 posts
Oct 14, 2008
6:48 PM
This is a Badge White Side.
Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2008 6:48 PM
1163 posts
Oct 14, 2008
6:58 PM
nice bird big mike damn the fish are waiting on us man . let me know what happens tommorow ---------- Watts uppp homeboy
239 posts
Oct 14, 2008
7:02 PM
Thats a little commie Nick. Hey hopefully we'll have the boat out by next week!
1164 posts
Oct 14, 2008
7:10 PM
damn let me know the update on that bird ---------- Watts uppp homeboy
240 posts
Oct 14, 2008
7:20 PM
I will let you know tomorrow morning.
1587 posts
Oct 14, 2008
7:30 PM
Here is a photo of a badge...One of my Best Breeders that I lost to a BOP when it got out on accident.

rock and ROLL
27 posts
Oct 14, 2008
7:48 PM
From what I have been able to tell a badge only needs to have at least some white on the top part of it's head somewhere it can be from a small white spot to an almost all white head. A small white patch under the chin is generally refered to as beard. Wing and tail color have nothing to do with it being a badge. Badge only describes the head markings. The thing I have not been able to figgure out for sure is this. I have a Black bird with a compleatley white head, 2 white flights one each wing abd a black tail. Her head makes her look like a bald head but what I gather to be considered a true bald head must have white wings and tail. I have been told I should enter this birds as a AOV in a show but I am not sure what to call her color. Is she a black bald head, white flights, black tail or a black badge, white flights.
Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2008 7:50 PM
122 posts
Oct 14, 2008
10:55 PM
you guys are forgeting about the brooch.a brooch is a badger but the white continues down below the a beard badger which is known as a brooch.i got this info from "The Birmingham Roller" book by William Pensom.
435 posts
Oct 15, 2008
8:09 AM
sorry to hear paul. thanks guys
59 posts
Oct 15, 2008
9:01 AM
Flipmode Your pic would be called a black saddle badge. And would be classed as AOC.
80 posts
Oct 15, 2008
9:02 AM
81 posts
Oct 15, 2008
9:02 AM