Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
2864 posts
Oct 14, 2008
1:04 PM
Hello Norlan, thank you for your inquiry. It's a great idea!
However, while I strive to bring the best to RPDC and its members, often times, there is a cost to have such things.
Such as the case here, in order to provide a higher level of security to address the issue you were referring to, we will need to upgrade the software service and this comes at a cost of $25.46 per month or $305.52 annually.
RPDC manages to stay afloat each month with our wits, prayer and the support of the visitors who financially support this site with their purchase of pigeons and products.
Adding an additional expense to our current responsibilities would not be wise at this time. However, if the people who actually used it wanted to front the cost, I would be happy to make arrangements for donations to be received through the chat room and give credit to those who contribute so that others who benefit from it know whom to thank.
Norlan, let me what you think. ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
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