238 posts
Nov 20, 2008
6:49 AM
Got three pairs sitting on eggs. Two pairs have quit their nests. Haven't had this happen before. What could cause this?
---------- -- Laura Professional Thrill Seeker
3428 posts
Nov 20, 2008
7:48 AM
No idea but now pull the eggs out and hopefully they will get back on track. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
222 posts
Nov 20, 2008
9:09 AM
I am a firm believer that the parents know if the eggs are good or not! ---------- Pat
224 posts
Nov 20, 2008
5:34 PM
that happen to me a lot of time,i dont know why. they just let the eggs rot. for me, the only why to get something out of them is to foster their eggs.
3429 posts
Nov 20, 2008
5:38 PM
How long had they been setting? ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
roller alley
18 posts
Nov 20, 2008
7:38 PM
i have found that if a bird is constanly bothered they will abandon the nest.It might be by you or by somthing when the lights are out,like mice,rats,or they might just be bad perents.if you breed from them it does pass the trait
1358 posts
Nov 20, 2008
8:03 PM
Thier just bad parents had a pair do this to me many times.
---------- 454 TRIPLE "G" LOFT L.P.R.C
2124 posts
Nov 20, 2008
8:25 PM
Have you tried candleing the eggs? Get a small flashlight and hold it against the bottom of the eggs in a dark room. You can see if the egg was ever fertile in the first place. I always check my eggs around 5-7 days along. If I don't see bloodveins in them, I chunk them so they will get started again.
Its late in the year and I have a lesser success rate when I push them to hard in one year.
Have you given any strong antibiotics(like Baytril)lately?
Read one time where the old timers said that they would loose chicken eggs if there was a big lightning storm come through.
I lost several eggs at one time last spring after we had like 3 big storms in a row. Always wondered if it could of had anything to do with it.
Could be a lot of things, but I'm betting that something is spooking them at night!
Give us more details! ---------- Val
Windjammer Loft
531 posts
Nov 21, 2008
8:31 AM
Laura......I would follow Kel's advice.. That should solve the problem. ---------- Fly High and Roll On
239 posts
Nov 21, 2008
3:02 PM
Hey, thanks everybody for all your thoughts and advice. I sure enjoy hearing the different ideas and I bet a lot of them work!
The birds have always been dependable and good parents so I'm thinking it's not that.
We did go ahead and discard the eggs.
I'm wondering . . . I went on a camping trip from Friday through Monday, and on Friday, set them up with fresh 2-gal water container, two feeders full of feed. When I got back, they had plenty of water and feed still, but they had somehow kicked shavings up into the waterer where it probably would have been harder for them to drink. Surely that didn't happen the first day, so they could have possibly gone a day or two with little or no water. I have it sitting up on bricks, but next camping trip, I think I'll put 2 or 3 waterers in there even higher.
Could lack of water caused this? That's the only different common denominator that I can think of.
Thanks again!
---------- -- Laura Professional Thrill Seeker
Windjammer Loft
532 posts
Nov 21, 2008
3:35 PM
| long as they had access to water. I would say NO, that wasn't the cause of them abandoning the nest.. Maybe something spooked them. They will leave the nest and the eggs if disturbed to much...
As far as the waters are concerned. I have some off the ground about 2-3ft. I nailed a piece of 2"x2" hard wire, 14" square in the corner and have the waterers sitting on that. ---------- Fly High and Roll On
Last Edited by on Nov 21, 2008 3:41 PM