I see some good speed on a few, good kitting do see loose rolling but don't know any thing about the kit how old, how tuned in they are but looks like there could be some good in that kit. ---------- Justin
looking good,work on the quality some but the depth was there,fly them out alot to get them tuned in,take the ones out that stall the good breaks....from 1-10 in speed 6 1/2 but may be diff,if seen in person. always looks diff,on vid
Brian, That is one of the best roller videos I have seen so far... I noticed the red you mentioned. It was knotting it up nicely.... There was a black mark that also had good speed and was working hard... I think those two were your best on that day.... Probably you could stock both of them if they are stable... and if they are right on the ground. Paul G
Paul, the red and the black w/f are both getting a shot to prove themselves in the breeding pen this year. The red is almost 2 years old. The black wf is about three years old. If more people would video their birds with decent equipment they will see things they don't like that they don't see with their eyes.
Right Brian, I think that more should be done using video. Our hobby needs to try to keep up with new technology. There is a lot of potential in it. Well, both of those birds are old enough.... Glad to see that you're going to breed them. Paul G