20 posts
Mar 10, 2009
3:13 PM
Hey Guys I am almost finised my stock and kit Lofts ,i need to know which is best vee perches or box perches and why. Thanks Ron
Last Edited by on Mar 10, 2009 3:13 PM
cv rollers
286 posts
Mar 10, 2009
3:23 PM
i have both and i like the v better birds dont fight as much and easy to scrape poop off ..the v helps them from pooping on each other also JMO
535 posts
Mar 10, 2009
3:35 PM
vperches are better. box perches messes up the tail and feathers.
jom but i think box perches stress the birds causes it cramps them ina small area.
380 posts
Mar 10, 2009
4:27 PM
V perches for me also. If you make your box perches just big anougth for them to stand in they will be ok bcause if a pigeons tail feathers are touching something they will not poo. Thats why they turn around and pork there bums over the front edge and poo. If there to big they will just poo all over the perches and get coverd in it. Yours in roll harrison uk hull.
139 posts
Mar 10, 2009
5:37 PM
i work at a metal spinning shop as a welder and i have access to alot of scrap aluminum and that is what i plan on putting in my loft and kit i was thinking 7"x7" that should keep the poo off ya think and about 11" high what ya all think kevin
Snake Doctor
373 posts
Mar 10, 2009
5:50 PM
I have used box perches and V perches but these below are ones that never require scraping and the birds are always found facing the door.
I'm sorry I don't remember who the designer was or who sent this to me.

 ---------- "Semper Fi" SD
873 posts
Mar 10, 2009
5:57 PM
my next kit boxes are going to have V perches. They will not poo on eachother whereas with the box perches they end up being covered with poo. Trust Me ---------- BIG WILLY TOPP FLIGHT/NCRC
21 posts
Mar 10, 2009
6:26 PM
Thanks guys So it will be the V perchs Much Appreciated. Ron
2663 posts
Mar 10, 2009
6:32 PM
I like V-persches the thing with boxes you can put more birds in a kitbox .but you can put boxes with a slant perches in front of box to keep poo from hitting birds too I seen them like that.... ---------- Ralph.
miss opportunity are the curse of potential well if opportunity is not knocking you build the door...
Snake Doctor
374 posts
Mar 10, 2009
6:57 PM
Harrison, yes they are stepped down from back to front. ---------- "Semper Fi" SD
402 posts
Mar 11, 2009
5:00 AM
could you please leave picture on thanks harrison
Snake Doctor
375 posts
Mar 11, 2009
6:20 AM
Harriso, send me an email, my address is on my profile, I'll send the diagram and a couple more pictures I have of these perches ---------- "Semper Fi" SD
Windjammer Loft
741 posts
Mar 11, 2009
7:05 AM
I use strickly V-perches in all my pens throughout and make all of them myself. ---------- Fly High and Roll On
1044 posts
Mar 11, 2009
9:57 AM
i work at a metal spinning shop as a welder and i have access to alot of scrap aluminum and that is what i plan on putting in my loft and kit i was thinking 7"x7" that should keep the poo off ya think and about 11" high what ya all think kevin
Hey Kevin from Iowa, Are you saying you are thinking of making the perches out of Aluminum ? Hmmm.... I would think that it gets wayyy tooooo cold in Iowa for that. In the winter they will frost and you might have birds stuck to the perch.. Just my thoughts. I think I`d stick to the wooden or plastic perches. I`m in Indiana, and I know any metal I have outside frosts when it freezes. Oh ya, and I like the box style perches, but thats just me...
---------- Butch @ Sundance Roller Lofts
143 posts
Mar 11, 2009
6:30 PM
thanks sundance wreck my idea thought i had something there but i'm glad ya brought that to my attention you are right just a newbie thought kevin