Not many know how to see the style of a bird. I will give it a shot and others can help me out.
You really need to focus on the bird when he rolls every time to see the style it has. What I do is look at the bird when they are facing the back or the front to see the wing position it has. You look on how it started the roll and the finish of the roll. What we want is a solid ball no wing that looks like a cylinder dropping going so fast that you can't count the revolutions. But that bird is very hard to produce which not many of us have. Which is on the first picture.
The other bird that most of us have are the ones that show wing tips which are slow. The higher the wings touch on top and on the bottom the higher the quality. To were we get the ones that Ball up and show no wing. We want the bird to exit same way he started the roll facing the way the kit was going not the opposite way. Some like birds to have a dead stop and some to come out of the roll with a loop and straight back to the kit with out you knowing it had stop both are nice. You don't want a bird going North with the kit then they break and the bird comes out going South while the kit continue going North. You also don't want a bird that wing changes while he is rolling it has to be very clean in and out. Wing changing is when a bird drops facing North or any direction and is going 360 and you don't know which way is going to exit. You want the bird to drop straight down wings always the same direction.
For the beginer. If You want to know how bad Your birds are, just be under them when they roll. Quickspins given some good information. But I think sometimes it goes right over a new comers head.
Last Edited by on Mar 20, 2009 7:01 AM