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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > Multi hens on one cock
Multi hens on one cock

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396 posts
Apr 01, 2009
7:11 PM
I have heard many times that some folks will build a family off of a male bird using several hens to test him. Well I was wondering if any of you have any thoughts on how to get this set up and run a system like that? I have one outstanding cock bird that is 2 now and has what I feel is a great bird. I have 3 of its sisters and 2 hens from the same family.

I have tried to put him with a hen and then take the eggs and then put him with another hen etc but that is taking a long time since I have try to match up feeder pairs etc to try to keep them in cycle also when I introduced the second hen he would have nothing to do with her it took almost 20 days for them to even act interested?

So just wondering if any of you have some ideas.

David Curneal

In the air since 1973
2284 posts
Apr 01, 2009
7:22 PM
David, type in the words Bull System in the searchsite and their are several threads there.

383 posts
Apr 01, 2009
9:09 PM
I am trying a polygammy system now that I heard of. ASk me in two weeks if it works
I took a 4x3x3 kit box and put 4 nest boxes in it. I have one cock and three hens. I have been told, that he will breed all the hens and raise all the young. If you foster the first round they will all lay the second. After that he gets stuck on one hen and it gets less productive. Just what I read somewhere.
I am currently trying it. remind me in a few weeks and I will let you know how it is working.
RT Williams
1088 posts
Apr 02, 2009
6:09 AM
Well, I hate to say it, but I`ve been attempting this and I`m not sure its going to work for me.Maybe just the wrong birds, maybe the hens smell the other hens on the males( they know hes a player.. haha ) I dont know... But I am looking at other options as my breeding season is quickly going down the tubes. I might just have to focus on these 2 cocks and 2 hens and take what I get... Im not happy with what my other breeders have been giving me the last couple years so I really dont want to just settle with what I`ve been doing.
Butch @
Sundance Roller Lofts
385 posts
Apr 02, 2009
8:38 AM
One thing I did not mention was that the cock could not have been with one of the hens. All three of my hens have not been with him. I would think that if he was with a hen then another hen, you could reuse that hen, as long as it was not the newest mate??
The set up I have now appears to work. I have seen him with 2 of the hens. I also took the 2 hens out for a couple hours yesterday so he will hook up with the other hen. When I did that he went staight after her.
Need to keep an eye on him and help him not have a favorite.
RT Williams
j .wanless
704 posts
Apr 02, 2009
9:16 AM
hi all
dave ive used the system for years + would recomend it to any one.but 1st you have got to find the right cock.95pc of my birds are from my main cock .by that i mean either off him or his sons or daughters or g/s or g/d.but it took me around 4 years before i decided to build my loft around that cock.1st i tried him to a couple of hens.then the following years i done the same with diffrent hens.once i knew for defnate he was producing to diffrent hens + then knew he was the bird producing my best rollers + not the hens as he had proved it to a few hens .i put him to as many hens as i could.never if possible letting him rear y/brds.i can pair him to any hen i want over taking his hen away from him early morning.leaving him alone all day.the hen im going to pair him to as been by herself a week or so.i guarantee they will pair straight away no problem.ive done this many a time.i now do the same with 1 of his sons.
1 post
Apr 02, 2009
9:51 AM
I have heard that if You don't allow the cock to help partake in the raising he will only be good at breeding and think that is all he has to do. He won't even help raise after doing this for sometime. However I have a couple good cocks that have taken on two hens at the time. We had a few extra hens in the stock loft thinking it was a pair, and on hen went to one cock and the other hen to another cock which both already had mates. Both cocks that are running two hens seem to be having a fairly decent hatch rate though. They care for one nest at day and the other at nighfall so both hens get breaks. We have to be careful though because the cocks will go lite during this process. He never gets a break unless it is extreamily warm out.
390 posts
Apr 11, 2009
1:14 PM
Two of three hens are on eggs as of yesterday. 4/10/09. I have two fosters pairs that i am going to use but I will let them sit for a week or so. Mainly I want to see if the cock will go to the Third hen. But I know I can get eggs from two this way.

RT Williams
641 posts
May 01, 2010
8:28 PM
RT Williams
Brink of Rolling Loft
822 posts
May 02, 2010
12:13 AM
I've found it easier to let the hens mate up with themselves in the breakup pen and then introduce one cock to mate with one hen of each pair.
When they lay their eggs I wait until I can tell which eggs are fertile and discard the others. The hens will raise the young just like a normal pair would.
You should be able to put the cock on as many hens as you can manage and get a full kit or more of half siblings pretty quickly.
rookie from ct
268 posts
May 02, 2010
1:34 PM
Well today I built a cage 5 ft long & 3ft deep then sectioned it into 3 equal 20"x2'ft deep, each 2'x20" section will house a hen the cock gets the 12"inx5'ft front to strut his stuff and get the girls att. then he visits the hens a few hours each with time in between to rest Rick's Mee web site photo. Now i need to find a cock and 3 hens to fill the cage.The hens can not see each other but they can see the cock strutting back & forth in the front.I think this will require foster parents witch I do have. Dennis

Last Edited by on May 02, 2010 1:42 PM
99 posts
May 02, 2010
6:53 PM
Rookie, I like you idea about the loft.
I may try some poly breeding, only I will use my wire individuals I already have.

If you can and have time post a photo, sounds like the coop would be nice.
645 posts
May 03, 2010
11:09 AM
Good luck, I know a few other that do it that way. Not sure how much time you need, Because you have allow the Cock bird acces for a few hours every day.
If you are retired or work from home, or close to home I think it would work great.

You will need those foster ready though.

I like you just needs the right Cock bird, I will doing this like crazy. LOL
RT Williams
Brink of Rolling Loft
1653 posts
May 03, 2010
11:58 AM
Great reading here.

rookie from ct
280 posts
May 20, 2010
6:29 PM
Well my 268th post payed off just fine with the fosters coming in right at the right time and I am on thy way of having a kit of Rubeys Thanks to all you guys and this site. Dennis
402 posts
May 21, 2010
8:15 PM
If the cock is really good it will show with its descendants from different hens. I also did the opposite. LOL! Same hen with different cocks and the babies perform almost the same. I don't know what system to call that. How about a Bitch system? LOL! Hopefully I am not violating forum rule for using a "foul" language.

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