99 posts
May 03, 2009
3:11 PM
Flew my kit tonight, they came in and then we flew my sons kit, and they flew down by the neighbors house, still in the air, still rolling and started headed back to our house. Next thing I know I hear a gun crack and my sons kit scattered and headed for home.
I walked down to see where the shooting was coming from, and there stands the neighbor on the back porch with a "cat ate the bird" look on his face. I had never met the guy until today. So I asked him what the shooting was all about, he said "Oh, I am just shooting at groundhogs, I would never shoot at pigeons"...guilty look as hell on his face.
I told him if he ever has any problem with my birds to let me know, the whole time he just kept saying, " problem with pigeons, I would never shoot at a pigeon" But I know better.
I was not a happy camper, but I left it at that, and walked home.
Stay with your birds guys....keep an eye on them when they are up, as you never know what kind of people your neighbors really may be. It takes a lot to make me upset, but he was on the verge of it, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt....this time.
How would ya'all have handled it?
2584 posts
May 03, 2009
3:14 PM
THats why i carry heat pay back is a mother @#$ ---------- RUDY PAYEN PANCHO VILLA LOFT
cv rollers
344 posts
May 03, 2009
3:31 PM
i think u did the rite thing ,no harm no foul,but next time u been warned so watch out lol
100 posts
May 03, 2009
3:44 PM
It was kind of like when you watch one of your kids do something....and they didn't know you saw them....and they say...."Nope, wasn't me"
Just makes you want to put them over your knee and warm their backside. Now that I know he took a crack at them once, I will keep an eye on him.
He takes another shot with any firearm, he will be reported to the regional police, as he is well within the safety zone of several other houses in the area.
Wanna play?....oh we can play....let's get it on!!!!!
332 posts
May 03, 2009
3:54 PM
John, did you get all your birds back? I was at your house and those houses are pretty close to each other,next time I would have the PO-PO check it out! ---------- Pat
101 posts
May 03, 2009
4:02 PM
We got them all back. Matter of fact it was the house where they landed on the chimney when we had the troublemakers in the kit.
I was watching them when he shot, they were kitting tight, and I KNOW he was shooting at them.
Next time I hear him crack a firearm, he will have a talk with the local cops.
It isn't worth taking it into my own hands at this point, but I wont tolerate his BS either.
I think he got my point and understands that I KNOW what he did, it isn't about being a tough guy, it's about "Leave my birds alone...dummy"
I know his name now, and who he works for, so if he wants to make a bad choice in the future, then I'll hook him up!
334 posts
May 03, 2009
4:06 PM
How are the birds now that you pulled that cock out of the kit? also did the red roller straighten out? ---------- Pat
Last Edited by on May 03, 2009 4:07 PM
102 posts
May 03, 2009
4:13 PM
That is the bunch that he shot at. It was Tylers kit of fireballs, we pulled the red for the breeder pen, and the troublemaker cock is out of the kit now as well. Since we made that move, they have kitted tight and performed just like they should...
Excellent sure worked.
2918 posts
May 03, 2009
9:19 PM
John there is always have to be some a## you know did the right thing ..just ask him next time do these groundhogs have wings?----------take care ..peace.. Ralph.
The greatest use of your life is so you live your life so that the use of your life will outlive your life, In other words what you going to leave behind legacy or Dust....
34 posts
May 04, 2009
10:54 AM
same thing happened to me...i am only 16yrs old and there was a man shooting at my birds from the the back of my house. i got a 2x4 jump the fence and saw him run....i saw were he lived and i went over to his house but it wasnt his he was renting so i told his landlord and havent had a problem ever since...
Cristian Castro
103 posts
May 04, 2009
12:57 PM
He didn't hit any of them, and I am grateful for that, however he did violate several safety laws, and PA State Game Commission laws, by what he did.
There is no hunting of groundhogs allowed on Sunday in the state of PA, he is withing 150 yards of several houses and a road, which is a residential area and deemed as a safety zone as such. He wasn't wearing his orange hat, he doesn't have a hunting license, those are just a few right off of the top of my head that he was in violation of...
Thing is he looked me in the eye and lied to me, when I sat there and watched the whole thing I know I can't trust him, or his word.
I hope yesterdays talk gave him the idea that I wont put up with his crap. He uses his sidearm for his job, so if he gets a firearms violation of shooting a rifle in a safety zone, that could affect his wallet, bigtime. I really dont want to go there, but I wont put up with him taking pot shots at my birds either.
So I guess it is all about the choices he chooses to make, as I let him know where I stand.
2109 posts
May 04, 2009
1:00 PM
If a grown man shoots at my birds,he better hope the cops get there first. Had a couple of kids popping of a few bbs at them once. Asked their dad if he had 10k to replace my pedigreed roller pigeons. I didnt even see them outside for a week and I saw the mangled remains of the bb gun in the dumpster. Guess dad took care of the little shits. ---------- V99 blue sky single beat in cadance performing now earth beckons the winged drawn breath is let quickly forth orchestral movement follows
___ ~_____ \__\_/-|_| \__\____ /()_)__14___()_)\__\
Last Edited by on May 04, 2009 1:01 PM
104 posts
May 04, 2009
2:47 PM
I think shooting a 22 rifle into the air is a pretty ignorant move in the first place. Who knows where that bullet will come down?
I am not interested in getting the guy in any trouble, I just want to be able to fly my birds and have them be able to do their thing without someone making target practice out of them.
It takes quite a bit to get me to the point of being upset, but should he choose to go that route, then I will oblige.
Hopefully he got the message, many times, kindness has been mistaken for weakness...and the result is usually a confrontation in the end. I hope to keep it from becoming a problem like that.
I am with my birds 100% of the time that they are away from the kit box, so I know where they are and what they are doing at all times.
Should he make the choice to be stupid again. I'll make sure I move forward with the Game Commission, and it's laws and regulations. That will be much more painful than a good old fashioned country boy ass whoopin....which is the final option.
390 posts
May 04, 2009
2:55 PM
Depending on where you live and the local laws, your pigeons could be considered pets. In most states the penalties for shooting a pet are pretty stiff. In the future be real careful if you have to confront this guy, heck if he shot at the birds would he shoot at you? If there were any further incidents, I wouldn't even go over there without local law enforcement. Go over there by yourself with a gun and have a gun battle on his property and see who becomes the bad guy!
105 posts
May 04, 2009
3:10 PM
I won't go over there again...he has been warned. The game wardens have much more authority than the local rent-a-cops. That's who his next visit will come I am an avid hunter, and happen to personally know the local wardens very well.
I just want to fly my birds...thats all.
Hector Coya
480 posts
May 04, 2009
5:42 PM
John,you mentioned that some of those birds where landing on his Chimeny,If i have a bird landing on my naighbors chimeny,i will shoot it first. when i was a kid,i had many rollers,and as a kid didnt know how to train them ,and they whould land on my naighbors chimany,One day they had a cleaning company over becouse they had a terible smell coming out of there chimany,it ended up being one of my rollers,dead and rotten. My Father had to pay for the Chimany cleaning bill. That day i realized those birds are mine and im responcible for what ever problem they couse. Maybe this person got fedup with birds on his roof. I know you took out the problem birds but next time you see one on his roof you should tell him to shoot it. That way he may not call the City and complain aboput the birds. Good luck. Hector Coya=SGVS ---------- The more i know mankind,the more i love my Dog,
106 posts
May 04, 2009
6:23 PM
It happened one time Hector,only one day, and has not happened since. All the birds came back. He didn't know they were even there. I pulled the problem birds from the kit, and they wont land anywhere but the kit box.
If one did land on his house, then it wouldn't bother me if he shot it, but that is not the case.
I will wait and see what happens from here.
Hector Coya
481 posts
May 04, 2009
6:37 PM
Thats good,I wasnt sure if the bird was doing it all the time,i just wanted to let you know what happend to me and my naighbour. Good luck Hector Coya-SGVS ---------- The more i know mankind,the more i love my Dog,
39 posts
May 04, 2009
8:09 PM
guys little john did the right thing. there is a saying and it is that its just better not to throw more wood into the fire.... theres just so much other things that he couldve done but itll eventually lead to a disaster and a bigger problem than what it really is.
little john, if your neighbor is shooting his gun off and often around your neighborhood, just call the police and say that your worried that your neighbor may be endangering others. keep it for the record. and if they dont do anything about it, get a really good lawer and (in a false advertising case)sue the police department and the city if your neighbor starts attacking you. you pay your taxes to them and they should be, out protecting you, (that is what they advertise).
Last Edited by on May 04, 2009 8:14 PM
235 posts
May 04, 2009
11:43 PM
Man, Don't argue with someone carrying a gun. You have a disadvantage, but I believe your neighbor got the message.
Cops here at my place will not do anything unless I personally witness it or someone did. One of my neighbors shot my birds, too, and one didn't come back. I just heard the sound, birds panic and scattered and one didn't return from the area. I just heard it, but didn't see it and cops said I have no case.
Be careful LittleJohn! Hopefully your neighbor knows that those are your birds. You will probably always be there every time you release your birds to fly.