4 posts
May 12, 2009
5:46 AM
Hi Guys what's the best way to keep birds from being tree setters, I have tried training them to land on the loft roof but I still have birds that what to sit in the trees all day. Should I starve them?
2934 posts
May 12, 2009
6:07 AM
If they don't come down from that tree when you call them they are not hungry enough they need to know if they want feed they have to fly when you want them too..keep an eye on the one who are lazy and pull them out from flying with the other birds , don't feed that one, the next day when the other birds had there fly and are just about to land toss one up and let him fly with the team and come down with the team then feed him so he knows he gets rewarded because he flew with the team and came down with team.he be so hungry that he will come down from that tree when you call ...next day do it with another one and hold that one in .thats how I do it I make sure they are doing 10 to 15 minutes kitting and trapping with team before letting them out with the other birds on a full fly..which is what ever you fly them at 30 ,45 an hour,, this method never fail on me. good luck . ----------P.S..this training I do apply to young birds not older birds. Ralph.
The greatest use of your life is so you live your life so that the use of your life will outlive your life, In other words what you going to leave behind legacy or Dust....
Last Edited by on May 12, 2009 8:07 AM
5 posts
May 12, 2009
6:35 AM
Thanks Ralph, My birds have been on lock down because of BOP which seems to have gone somewhere else and they are leaving me alone for now, I think my birds have become fat and lazy, they don't clean up their food tray, only pick out what they like and leave the rest lay. So do you think I need to leave this until it's all gone, they don't seem to like the little red seeds or corn.
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3307 posts
May 12, 2009
7:04 AM
lew, the reason a bird will set all day in one location such as a roof or telephone wire is that the bird is not hungry. You do not have to starve them, simply cut back on the food ration until they have NO desire to roost anywhere but on their perch AFTER they have eaten. A well conditioned kit bird should be eating 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of 50/50% wheat/milo per day estimated.
My birds are usually inside the kit box and eating within 30 to 60 seconds after landing on the kit box or loft. ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
2937 posts
May 12, 2009
8:14 AM
Lew now that explains it >lock down like Tony said the bird is not hungry cut the feed down .if its not cold where your located take the corn out and cut down on the feed get them to the point that they spread those wings out because they want to eat every drop of feed before the next guy does.got to cut the fat off by excercising them and cutting the feed slowly on them.good luck... ---------- Ralph.
The greatest use of your life is so you live your life so that the use of your life will outlive your life, In other words what you going to leave behind legacy or Dust....
6 posts
May 12, 2009
10:04 AM
Thanks guys for the info, their still setting in the tree, been there 2 days now, they will fly around a bit then go right back to a branch, once they come down and go in the trap they will be on a diet. Lew
Spin City USA
215 posts
May 12, 2009
2:05 PM
Lew, even with the lock down and getting them hungry the birds probably have a lazy mind set. I would also suggest boxing them up and taking them them a block or so away from your loft and turn them loose. Make them fly home and make them wait on the roof for a few minutes and then call them in. If you can do that a couple of times a day and keep increasing the distance that should get them in shape and get them to fly. Any bird you see walking home is not needed.lol Your control is in the feed can. ---------- They gotta Spin to win.....Jay
Last Edited by on May 12, 2009 2:06 PM
114 posts
May 12, 2009
3:29 PM
Lew...you know what to do man....2 days in a tree...time to do the voo doo, that you just gotta do.
2939 posts
May 12, 2009
5:50 PM
Wait hold up on that voo doo stuff..it was mismanagement on your part.try what Jay said above see if they walking home then you voo doo .. lol.. ---------- Ralph.
The greatest use of your life is so you live your life so that the use of your life will outlive your life, In other words what you going to leave behind legacy or Dust....
411 posts
May 12, 2009
6:53 PM
Buy a water gun, spray the crap out of them when you see them in the tree's or wires.
---------- Tony... "Color is not an option"
Spin City USA
216 posts
May 12, 2009
7:02 PM
You are right PR. This is a good object lesson in learning how to handle pigeons. A good friend was going to cull some crosses he made for not wanting to fly. He never had this problem in his family,only in the crosses. I asked him to let me try to fly them. I have used the afore mentioned solution and it works well. By the time they are up to a mile and a half or so everyday they get the picture and are in shape. Now after all that if they dont want to kit or perform cull them for good. It is a good learning experience in learning how to handle the birds.
---------- They gotta Spin to win.....Jay
716 posts
May 13, 2009
9:02 AM
If there going to sit in that tree dont let them sit peace throw some water ballons at them make the life hell in that tree after a while they will stay out of it jerry t
Victor Hurtado
10 posts
May 13, 2009
5:54 PM
or also u can shhot them with a pellet gun thats what i did.. or flag them out..
179 posts
May 13, 2009
6:46 PM
Fly as often as possible, easy on the feed can.
There are several techniques for removing them from trees. But,,,, the feed can works great and you won’t get nearly as FRUSTERATED:))
242 posts
May 13, 2009
10:03 PM
If they were in a long lock down, then obviously they don't have the flight muscle ready to fly. Feed them less. You can't let them sit there too long though. Call them in. If they don't trap in right away, then you know they are not hungry.