5 posts
May 24, 2009
7:50 AM
I've got about a dozen hens that I chose not to breed this season. They are in a loft with no cocks. I have never flown them but have been told by a established breeder that they are of ok to good "type." My problem is that they lay eggs like chickens. Is there any way to stop them from laying. JC
676 posts
May 24, 2009
7:57 AM
My advice would be(if they are in a kit)? to have a wire floor as the birds carnt fnd a suitible place to lay and they will give it up as a bad job. Good look. Yours in roll harrison uk hull.
PS make sure the wire is big anougth for eggs to fall otherwise they will just lay on top of it. They soon get the idea.
377 posts
May 24, 2009
11:20 AM
I use 1"x2" wire for my kit box floors. It works. No pairing up or hen eggs. The birds dont like walking on it. They will stay on their perches until its time to eat or drink.
271 posts
May 24, 2009
11:25 AM
Make half there diet, barley. The wire floor is sound advice.
6 posts
May 25, 2009
12:40 PM
They are in a breeding loft now. I don't fly these, however I'm considering it. I was wondering if a kit box with a wire bottom would help. My kit box does not stop the eggs but it reduces it quite a bit. I also was wondering if diet or the amount of feed would help. Thanks for the suggestions. I will try them. JC