wafer kits
114 posts
May 25, 2009
7:27 AM
Hi Harrison; Have you tried taping the flights on one side of each youngster until they learn to go in with the others? Also, just toss in a few grains at a time until all the birds stop going in and out. Good luck. Al
994 posts
May 25, 2009
8:40 AM
Harrison, Just repeatedly place them in front of the trap and cup your hands so they can't get away. Repeat and repeat and repeat. They will start running through the traps. By hungry, it simply means don't feed them, then try to settle them. They do not have to starve for days.At this stage of life they are growing by leaps and bounds and need to eat every day, so just make sure they are hungry before training them. Like wafer said you can tape there wings but only if you will have time to stay with them. You asked earlier about training them to your kit box roof. Start by placing them out before they can fly to look around and learn where home is. Again though, only when you have time to watch them as they are easy prey. I hope this is of some help. Thom
Last Edited by on May 25, 2009 8:45 AM
407 posts
May 25, 2009
1:22 PM
I like to skip a feeding so they are hungry but not starving when I trap train. You should try to trap train before the birds start flying. Having them hungry also helps keep them from trying to fly off. When I put down the feed tray I'll let them get a couple grains then pick them up and put them through the trap. I like to put their heads through the bobs then just let them jump out of my hands. Repeat for several days and you should be set. Hungry Rollers are pretty smart when they can see other birds feeding. I've had birds I never trap trained, trap just by watching the other birds and seeing them eating. Good Luck! Tracey
Windjammer Loft
785 posts
May 25, 2009
6:27 PM
When I trap train, I put them in a settling cage for a few days. But,the key is... I put a bird in the cage with them that is already trap trained. When I give them the signal to come in and eat, the experienced bird is always the first one to trap. And soon after the birds in trainning get the message and come in and eat. Once,the first bird comes in the rest will follow. It usually only takes afew days using this method. Problem solved.... ---------- Fly High and Roll On
256 posts
May 25, 2009
7:29 PM
Paul- thats how I do it with 1lb coffee can traps. JDA
715 posts
May 26, 2009
6:22 AM
Cheers guys your tips will realy help. Yours in roll. harrison the cruel. UK HULL
409 posts
May 26, 2009
1:02 PM
Harrison the cruel..... that's the spirit! LMAO :)
738 posts
May 28, 2009
10:12 AM
Cheers guys. I have been putting my birds through the trap for a few days now and let them out this morning. When they landed within about 7 mins I had all my birds back in the kit. Now I will concentrate on bettering that 7 mins. Thanks again harrison UK HULL.
411 posts
May 28, 2009
2:58 PM
harrison, I am kind of confused about why you need your birds to trap so quickly. How fast are you trying to get them to trap and is there a reason why?
262 posts
May 29, 2009
12:06 AM
If you have homers trapping them the fastest is the difference between winning and losing. You can also do that, too, to prevent predation from hawks. And if you ever experienced getting chased by hawks, the birds will trap in so fast like lightning or they will just go somewhere first. Some people just don't want their pigeons lingering outside. I think in UK they have that big sparrow hawks.