39 posts
Jun 10, 2009
2:18 PM
hi guys i have been reading some topics about acv and probiotic. and how do you give it to them , at what ratio and how many days , and how do you guys alternate them , or is it only given in the breeding seoson . fran
1027 posts
Jun 10, 2009
4:52 PM
fransrollers, I give my birds Bio Pro every alternating week and I give it for the week. I give them A.C.V. (with the mother) one teaspoon per gallon the alternating week, again for the week. I also, allow my water to set in an open five gallon bucket to allow the chlorine to dissipate. Of course if you are on well water that would be unnecessary. That routine if for my breeders. When I feed my kit birds 50% wheat and 50% milo, I add vitamins & electrlites. In rotating weeks with the A.C.V. and Bio Pro. Thom
40 posts
Jun 10, 2009
5:45 PM
Thanks Thom, Can the ACV and the Bio Pro be given to the babies in the nest? Do you give it to them? And if so do they ever get any fresh water on its own.
Catch up soon Fran
1028 posts
Jun 10, 2009
6:24 PM
Fran, Yes, I give it to my breeders and vicariously their young. I think it helps to make healthy squabs. I was giving vitamins and electrolytes but recently I have changed my mind because I feed pellets to my breeders. Also I rid my water of chlorine by storing it in a five gallon bucket for a few days. If you use well water then this is not necessary. For my kit birds I am on a three week schedule A.C.V. then vitamins & Electrolytes, then Bio Pro. I would add that clean water alone is used by a lot of fanciers with success. That is were you must decide what is best for your birds.
Last Edited by on Jun 10, 2009 7:10 PM