Victor Hurtado
120 posts
Jun 15, 2009
5:38 PM
ok ive always wondered how i can judge my own kit of 20 birds... how many points r given for depth and for every couple birds that roll together..??? also lets say i had a kit that every bird rolled 10ft which is minimum and each rolled once a minute would that be good enough to score big?? and each time atleast 5 rolled together or does it have to be more then 5 at a time?
128 posts
Jun 15, 2009
6:18 PM
victor world cup rules 5 birds must break to score .you must phly 15 to 20 birds. birds must phly 20 minutes. can not have more than 2 birds out or you wont score .go to nbrc . com and look up the w/c rules . im still a rookie maybe some one else can explain it better then i can good luck go see some clubs phly and ask questions talk to the judge
Victor Hurtado
122 posts
Jun 15, 2009
6:21 PM
ive read the rules on nbrc site but i wanna know how much depth counts for and what u multiply and all those details.
130 posts
Jun 15, 2009
6:23 PM
ten feet or more
131 posts
Jun 15, 2009
6:25 PM
talk to spanky he knows the rules
132 posts
Jun 15, 2009
6:26 PM
victor who do you kick it with ask them any question so you can learn
Victor Hurtado
124 posts
Jun 15, 2009
7:05 PM
noone dude.... i have to learn all this shit by myself...
Spin City USA
227 posts
Jun 15, 2009
9:24 PM
Victor, is there a club in your area? Get involved. Most clubs have a monthly fly and it is a good way to get together, ask some questions and see what the other flyers are doing with their programs. ---------- They gotta Spin to win.....Jay
133 posts
Jun 15, 2009
9:36 PM
victor sgvs phly in 2 weeks maybe you should go to there phly there real cool bunch some are close to you hector coya spanky phil
3475 posts
Jun 15, 2009
9:57 PM
This is what I use:
SPIN TIME SPIN DEPTH in seconds=in feet=multiplier .56=5=0 .79=10=1.0 .97=15=1.05 1.45=20=1.1 1.60=25=1.15 1.98=30=1.2 2.15=35=1.25 2.44=40=1.3 2.59=45=1.35 2.79=50=1.4 2.94=60=1.5 3.22=70=1.6 3.52=80 =1.7 3.88=90=1.8 4.16=100=1.9 4.44=125=2.0
---------- Just My Take On Things
Nick Siders
265 posts
Jun 15, 2009
10:17 PM
20 birds divided by4 for 20 min. 5 birds =1/4 turn,10 birds=1/2 turn, 15 birds=3/4 turn ,20 birds = full turn.You can go 1/4= 1 point 1/2= 2 points 3/4= 3 points full= 4 points. that is the simplest way to score a kit.Keep it simple. JDA
Victor Hurtado
126 posts
Jun 15, 2009
10:39 PM
thnx jda imma try that one.. if not imma try nicksiders too.
Mongrel Lofts
599 posts
Jun 16, 2009
2:34 AM
Victor, 10 feet in depth is only a suggested minimum. You won't get many good judges to judge big breaks with birds rolling that short.. Just a heads up. KGB
1932 posts
Jun 16, 2009
8:54 AM
Victor KGB is correct, the rules clearly state that the "Suggested Minimum depth is 10 feet". However, There is more to this story. As you can see there are NO OTHER CHOICES for a minimum depth mentioned, whatever depth the judge estimates in 10 feet and rolling adequately, is scorable , per the rules. If the judge prefers to NOT judge by the suggested minimum standard of 10 feet, there is no telling if he will judge by the rest of the rules either. The judges has a choice, to either judge by the suggest minimum standard set down in the rules.... or not judge by the rules. Now what is certain , is that "most" flyers will in most cases, strive to put only birds that roll 20 feet OR BETTER in their competition kits to avoid "minimum depth issues". What I find more interesting is the different judging/numbers estimation options used by the more qualified judges. First we must set goals as to what is most important in a scorable break....... From the judges standpoint. A good place to start is with the estimating the numbers of birds that actually started to break together, unison performance, for the rules state 5 or more must start to perform in unison. ( WC/NBRC 20 bird) Once a number has been estimated, the judge must check depth to see at least 5 are meeting his estimate and the suggest minimum depth has been met. Now we have 2 necessary elements in mind, the next element is quality. It is usually estimated while the judge is counting and looking at the depth. Lastly, we come to the judge checking the birds that broke, if any had flaws that the judge feels in bad enough for him not to be able to score those birds. Where I see the most questions raised by the by-standers is......... These individuals are not as concerned with the primary function of counting birds as they are with checking depth, quality and flaws. Therefor often times , to the casual by-standers and the judges, sometimes see things differently. They have different priorities, the judges first task is to estimate the numbers for WITHOUT 5 or more there can be NO BREAK, no matter how high the quality or how deep the depth. But the by-standers usually look for other elements to watch. Men who judge others kits , will often have different methods to estimate all the things that the score is based on. In closing What your score is based on is: All breaks 5 and over, that rolled adequately. Raw total Average quality of those birds that scored. expressed as a Q multiplier Average depth of those birds that scored. expressed as a D multiplier Then the D and Q are multiplied together and that figure is multiplied times the raw score to give you your final score. It is called the 1-2-3 system. Good luck! Cliff
Last Edited by on Jun 16, 2009 11:06 AM
Victor Hurtado
127 posts
Jun 16, 2009
10:27 AM
wow thnx that helped alot.. i understand better now..