4 posts
Jul 18, 2009
12:47 PM
do rollers loose their roll if given full liberty i mean come in out as they like but control on feed.
1226 posts
Jul 18, 2009
3:52 PM
Ali, I have seen rollers that were lost and mixed into the wild pigeon population, roll. Sometimes very deep and with style. More importantly why would you want you birds to have total liberty. It is first, not safe for them, there are a lot of predators that love to eat pigeons. They if not dependant on you for food will eat a lot of things that are not good for them. They may lose their sense of where home is and disappear. If those are not enough reasons, a large part of keeping rollers for me is in their care. Handling them each evening brings a joy to my heart and comfort to my soul. At the same time I check on their condition, their health and compare them to their siblings for temperament. Dreaming of which pairs to breed and the potential outcome of that pairing helps me learn and stay interested. In my mind allowing them to totally fly free is not keeping them at all. Each person maintains his or her loft as they see fit but if you allow then total freedom, I think it would be a mistake. Good luck whatever you decide. Thom
46 posts
Jul 18, 2009
4:41 PM
I agree with you Thom. Ali, You must be careful of what you let your birds eat. Disease from other wild pigeons might eventually wipe your loft out as well. Also, being in the military, even after working 12 plus hours sometimes, I still look forward to going home to handle and care for my birds. Good luck on your decision Ali. ---------- DJJeffman Spinners
7 posts
Jul 19, 2009
11:42 AM
thanks thom,sqabby,i would not let my birds fly freely but i was just curious.this is my first year with rollers(had some rubbish ones last year rid of them)