old guy
43 posts
Jul 22, 2009
6:53 PM
I am just a beginner but would like to comment on the ongoing discussion regarding the way our kits are being judged. One of the discussions revolved around the statement "big breaks and frequency are what wins with our current WC rules." Applying a little math to a hypothetical situation, I come up with the following result: A kit receives multipliers of 1.1 and 1.1 for quality and depth, both of which are above the minimum acceptable standard. Assuming a raw score of 100, his score would be 121 (1.1 X 1.1 X 100). The same raw score of 100 combined with multipliers of 1.6 and 1.6, ( both of which occured in the WC finals) would result in a final score of 256. It seems to me that our present system when applied by a fair and competent judge does a good job of rewarding a kit for qualilty and depth and would raise any kit to the top of a competition if the size and number of its breaks are anywhere near their competitors.
Some judges are better than others because of their experience and their abililty to perceive of an event which occurs in a fraction of a second. They are not better or worse because of the way we, with our experience, perception and vantage point, judge the same event.
It is a mistake to overly worry or react to the result of a single or a few flys. Those who breed and train their kits toward their ideal will be rewarded by those friends and judges who share those ideals.
2401 posts
Jul 22, 2009
7:46 PM
Wayne, that is pretty much it in a nutshell, if all it was about was big breaks and frequency I would be standing on the other side of the line. But the fact is that won't win flys, nor would it alone even be scored under any judge worth his salt. This negative towards the major flys from these couple of guys is like a broken record from "non" flyers,there are those that talk, and then there are those that do. ---------- Just my Opinion Scott
728 posts
Jul 22, 2009
9:04 PM
I agree with both of you but would like to add that until and only until you have stood under a high quality kit that DESERVES those king of multipliers then you will always see thing from the other side of the fence. You dont even have to judge a kit of that caliber to recognise one you just have to witness one. Joe ---------- J.M.Urbon Lofts A Proven Family of Spinners http://www.freewebs.com/jmurbonlofts/
108 posts
Jul 22, 2009
9:08 PM
Hey Joe, Speaking of judgeing... are you judgeing this weekends 09 fly?
61 posts
Jul 23, 2009
2:00 PM
Very true, You hear guys saying "whooo, did you see that " ?. You hate to answer only because these people have no clue what quality really looks like.
730 posts
Jul 23, 2009
6:05 PM
No I am actually flying a young kit on Sunday. Joe ---------- J.M.Urbon Lofts A Proven Family of Spinners http://www.freewebs.com/jmurbonlofts/
donnie james
590 posts
Jul 23, 2009
8:20 PM
i have to agree with scott and joe...............donny james