121 posts
Aug 15, 2009
3:50 AM
ive noticed in last couple of days some of my youngs birds are going light ive gave them going lght tablets and there still eating but not alot and they cant even reach the house roof any ideas lads should i cull them or what or can they be cured thanks flyingscotsman
donnie james
645 posts
Aug 15, 2009
4:23 PM
hay david get some cod liver oil put enough in the feed to make it shine but not to wet to stick together and feed it you young birds for about 5 or 6 days this should work out for you and the birds .............donny james
179 posts
Aug 15, 2009
5:24 PM
i've also heard that cod liver oil is not easily handled by pigeons. pigeons are vegetarians, and cod liver oil is not. i'd be more suspicious of cocci or canker, especially if they're this years birds. i had one young bird that was very thin when i got it. it would only eat small seeds, and could never really get enough while competing with the others who would eat grain of all sizes. i think that put this bird behind, and once it was weak enough, it probably didn't have sufficient resistance to canker, and it eventually died. another followed the same way, only took another week. i just treated for canker starting today. i think once young birds fall behind, its hard to bring them back. if only i could have gotten it to eat larger grain. next time i see a kit bird like that i'll pull it and isolate it and make sure its getting all it can eat. i also was advised to feed it only peas so it had no choices. however, i was suspicious when i bought the kit of 18, as it was thin on day one, and it just never got better. ---------- Steve in Blue Point, NY
Ty Coleman
668 posts
Aug 15, 2009
6:07 PM
I would also suspect coccidiosis. It has been ruff on my young this year. ---------- Ty Vapor Trail Lofts
123 posts
Aug 16, 2009
12:10 AM
i will try cod liver donny thanks but if its coccodiosis there no treatment for it or is there its just two birds out of a 18 bird kit will it spread or cull the two birds thanks
Ty Coleman
672 posts
Aug 16, 2009
6:39 AM
David, there is several medicines to treat coccidiosis. All pigeons carry it although most family's have built a resistance to it. It mainly shows it's self during the weaning stage when the birds become stressed but I have had a problem with it in the young bird kits this year. I just ordered a treatment that is in pill form that is a wormer and a cocci vaccine. ---------- Ty Vapor Trail Lofts
1192 posts
Aug 16, 2009
4:19 PM
Flying scotsman I would quarentine the birds away from any other asap. I bought a bird in when i had rollers as a lad and two days later it was scrunchd up in the corner of the loft. It whent to skin and bone in days and so did 16 more of the bas***s. I was told it was coxie. Its like wild fire. Good look. If I se any sine of a bird acting strange it gets quarentined straight away. Disenfect the loft and all feeders and drinkers. I never want to see my birds go througth what them did all them years ago. It was heart breaking. yours in roll harrison. H.K.R ROLLER LOFT HULL UK