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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > feed change when it gets cold
feed change when it gets cold

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467 posts
Oct 29, 2009
6:42 PM
My NBRC 11 bird regional fly is tommorow. On monday the low temp was 42 degreea. I was excited, I had the birds flying 30 minutes and working well. Cold front with wind and snow came thru on tues. Low is now 22 degrees. Because of the weather I have been unable to fly until today. Birds only flew 12 minutes, but worked really well.
I added an extra 1/2 tablespoon per bird to compensate for the cold, appearantly not enough. Feed alot extra after the fly tonight, I hope they make the time.

What do you guys do to compensate when the weather changes?

RT Williams
pigeon pete
418 posts
Oct 30, 2009
4:16 AM
A half tablespoon extra per bird is quite a lot if you are feeding a good mix. With poor gain you can't give them enough in cold weather. I don't use mixes much for the flying team but what mix I do use is high in peas and tares (protein) and is used for the young birds. I just fetched a new bag and with the weather changing i bought a bag with a higher fat content, i.e less peas but contains small yellow corn. I'm hoping this will help the youngest birds to cope with the cold weather.
If you birds have been flying for 30 minutes on a regular basis they could be a little on the light side and a couple of cold nights will quickly bring them down, and it may take more than one feed to bring them back up again. Try a vitamin/glucose solution in the water if you have any.
good luck
Windjammer Loft
990 posts
Oct 30, 2009
7:12 AM
rtwilliams... instead of adding an extra 1/2 tlb. I would suggest adding some corn or popcorn if you have axcess to it. The corn will provide the extra heat they need for the lower temps... Extra feed will only get them fat and

Fly High and Roll On

1263 posts
Oct 30, 2009
1:53 PM
good post,
I have noticed a big change in my birds also a been a newbie to flying rollers couldnt pin my finger on what the reason could be.
I didnt think it was the feed bcause they have been doing great on the mix i give to them.
Now i have read this post i believe it may have a big part to do with the kind of grain they are getting.
I have been feeding them on wheat and barley witch doesnt have any (MAIZE) pop corn in it so i will get some tommoro.
I am lucky bcause my local feed store do a wide range of corns for the racer guys and they do a winter mix so I will just mix a 2,5 kilo bag of winter mix with a 2,5 kilo bag of wheat and barley.
Should that help me with my problem?
Nice to be back reading and posting again.
Harrison hull kingston rollers HULL UK

Last Edited by on Oct 30, 2009 3:23 PM
469 posts
Oct 30, 2009
8:05 PM
The birds have been on mostly wheat with a little Milo thrown in.
I can get popcorn and will try that. I do think that adding more food is not the best answer. However The wheat sure gets them rolling well.
RT Williams
Good Times Roll
57 posts
Oct 30, 2009
8:22 PM
didnt you fly today? if so how did you do?
471 posts
Oct 30, 2009
9:12 PM
The wind was blowing 30 + miles an hour, the birds would have been in the next county, so I did not fly. I put up a test kit before they judge got here. I never did see the birds they were just blown away. I live on top of a hill, so when it the wind blows hard the birds fly down into a creek bottom and I do not see them again until they come home. They did not come for 20 minutes though. lol
I fly the 20 bird next week and they said they would try to get here an hour early to fly the kit then. But my 11 bird team makes up half my 20 bird team. I will have to decide which one I think I have the best chance at and go that direction.
My son was supposed to fly to, he was more dissapointed then I was. he wanted to show off his progress.

RT Williams
Good Times Roll
58 posts
Oct 30, 2009
9:37 PM
Smart move!once when I flew the w/c Don O. was judging and it was windy, I kicked them out and called time lol (green) and him and the score keeper took off running down my street to keep an eye on the birds, When they got back I felt like a fool lol, GOOD LUCK to you and your son on your next fly
From a native Utahian!!
221 posts
Oct 30, 2009
9:42 PM
Trampas, my weather is similar to yours. I simply add more feed. Sometimes when its real cold I feed up to 3 times the amount as I do during summer. I have found that corn, kills my roll. I only feed it to them when its consistently below zero and I dont expect performance (like before a fly). Experience will be your best teacher. Sometimes we have to mess up a few times to learn what not to do. Also, be cautious that you dont try to keep them on point with severe weather approaching. It is possible to get them so far behind in condition that it takes weeks or longer for them to regain enough strength and body condition to work well again. Try to anticipate the big swings in temps and feed them up or down accordingly, rather than make adjustments after the fact. You/we live and fly in somewhat extreme weather zones, alot of what the rest of the roller world experiences is a bit more moderate.

Im sorry your son wasnt able to fly his birds. Help him to appreciate and gain satisfaction from them independant of a competition judgment, else he is bound to become discouraged and frustrated because these birds are seldom consistent enough to be always in 'show off' mode. I know you, you will do the right thing with him, you guys are good parents. I still feel bad he didnt get to participate fully though.

If it were easy, everybody would do it
473 posts
Oct 31, 2009
8:28 PM
Thanks for your input everyone
RT Williams
474 posts
Nov 05, 2009
12:25 PM
I flew both my 20 and 11 bird fly this morning. I felt I had a better chance at the 11 bird fly so I gutted my 20 bird team.
I finished 4th.
11 bird fly Utah
Bryan Lay 81
Rod Forbush 62
Jay Starley 60
Trampas Williams (me) 59
Bill Whitby 46
Justin Okerland 37
Blake Coates 35
Nick Moreno 19
Mont Bone and My Son Johnathan 3

I threw a few B team birds in the rest of my 20 bird team and they did not fly well at all. They Dq'd.
No chemistry, out birds everywhere, and they finally ended the pain and landed early. One was tearing it pretty good though.

I am happy to see Jay Starley only a point a head of me. If I am that close to a flier like Jay I am on the right track. I happy with what the birds did today, and am happy with my progression in a year half. Thanks to Brian Middaugh for a good pair, Mont Bone for the Pair he gave me, and Bob Adams for the Magnum pair.
Also Jon Farr, for his suporrt and help. Also Congrat Jon on qualifying in the 20 bird for Idaho.

RT Williams

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