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What Colors

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Sound Rollers
97 posts
Nov 03, 2009
5:52 AM
Does anyone know what color paint rollers see the best.



Last Edited by on Nov 03, 2009 8:13 AM
574 posts
Nov 03, 2009
9:55 AM
575 posts
Nov 03, 2009
10:00 AM
John.... Are you asking about what die show up the best on a roller? That would be red, green, yellow food color mixed with rubbing alcohol. have gloves on.JDA
pigeon pete
423 posts
Nov 03, 2009
10:09 AM
or are you painting a mobile loft top and you want it to be easily visable to thebirds?
Sound Rollers
98 posts
Nov 03, 2009
10:49 AM
Yeah, I should explained, their is lots of trees in the neighborhood and I want a good visible target for the birds to see and come back to, something they can clearly identify from the air as home.


576 posts
Nov 03, 2009
11:01 AM
John....Red with a big black X from corner to corner.JDA
2117 posts
Nov 03, 2009
11:06 AM
I unerstand that pigeons recognize pattern more than color, from great distances. I recommend you put a white diamond , "X" or square pattern on the dark roofs of your lofts and/or kit boxes for easy of recognition.
369 posts
Nov 03, 2009
1:23 PM
Use one of the satellite websites. Then zoom in on your neighborhood. This will give you an idea of what the birds are seeing. It quickly will become apparent that your loft is not visible from height. There will be a field, lake large building, etc. close by that is the most visible thing for the birds. I do not believe that patterns on the loft top make that much difference.

Keith Maxwell
Windjammer Loft
993 posts
Nov 03, 2009
4:15 PM
Sound Rollers.... Iam not exactely sure which colores they see better?? In one of my kitboxes I a painted the inside "bright" yellow and the outside of the door the same color and another I have painted a "bright" pink inside and the outside of the door the same. This way when my birds get really high or far away they recognize their colors. Here are some photos so you get the drift of what Iam saying.
This is the inside near the feeder.

This is from the outside of the yellow and you can see the outside of the pink one too..

Fly High and Roll On


Last Edited by on Nov 03, 2009 4:17 PM
rookie from ct
164 posts
Nov 04, 2009
7:12 AM
Hay John for some reason I cant see you painting a big pink X or + across the top of that nice looking loft you just built Dennis
Sound Rollers
99 posts
Nov 04, 2009
1:50 PM
Hi Dennis, I was thinking a deplorably type target that the rollers can get use to seeing from the loft.


wafer kits
125 posts
Nov 04, 2009
4:16 PM
Pigeons respond besst o the redd endof he spectrum; (ie) Red, Orange, or Yellow. They have been trained to find objects marked with Orange that are lost in the ocean. My own favorite is a fluorescent orange marking on the roof. Al
70 posts
Nov 06, 2009
9:02 AM
Go with the Bright/Flourescent Orange. Highly visible color for the Rollers. We use that color here in the desert where everything looks like dirt,shades of brown. I have some of the Orange color inside the breeder loft, training cage and on top of the kit box for the youngsters also. They grow up knowing that color is "Home"
1271 posts
Nov 06, 2009
11:56 AM

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