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Fly times per day

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63 posts
Nov 10, 2009
8:40 AM
As with most lofts I like to fly as much and whenever the weather is good enough to fly, I have been flying only once per day for any given kit of birds, I than call them in and feed them, but is that enough? How many times per day do you fly your birds? Anyone.
pigeon pete
430 posts
Nov 10, 2009
9:01 AM
Young birds newly broken out, you cannot fly them often enough. As they age and start to roll once a day is usually sufficient.
Once they are rolling properly then you have to use more judgement. Some kits thrive on five times a week while others are better on 2 to 4 times, but with twice a week you may find they lose too much condition or get too fat. More variation can help get the best out of a kit. You may find that regular flying, even every day for a few flys, and then a couple of days rest will spark them into action.
After a longer than anticipated lockdown, or if they are looking out of condition then a few days flying twice a day will soon get an old bird kit back into condition.
It's about knowing your birds through the experience of working with them. My best kits always seemed to show a few good breaks nomatter how often I flew them, but would increase the workrate if manipulated in the right way. I believe that the flying and resting cycle will affect the performance just as much as how much and what you feed them, but of course you do need to get both aspects right.
138 posts
Nov 10, 2009
5:15 PM
on the weekends i fly my birds 3 times a day, once at 7/8am, then at 1/2pm than fianlly at 4/5pm right before sunset. you guys should try it make your birds very strong and as long as theres fresh water there lots of rest time in between. i have aways worked my birds like this and you get to see what your birds are made of. after the first two flys, idont feed them. but after the thrid and final fly, i feed them all they can eat for 3 to 3 1/2 mintues.
3466 posts
Nov 10, 2009
6:28 PM
Fontanabound I use to fly my birds 3 to 4 times a day I'm talking young birds flying straight not rolling yet.but as soon as they get into the grove I fly once a day or twice if they are just flipping.but once they getting into nice rolling you don't want them on the wings everyday .once every other day is fine.if you get them too strong they will controll themselve if they controll the roll..if they are controll by the roll its another story.. like Pete is talking about above >"a couple of days rest will spark them into action"
flying the birds everyday and getting them strong in condition the birds will get stiff on you.there is a breaking point to everything..and knowing your family after a while you will get the best out of them..

p.s. with BOP now nobody can fly like they use to anyway .I even try to get them to fly 20 to 25 minutes and back in to protect them and Have another day to enjoy them.....
Pigeons are not our whole life, but they damn sure make our lives whole!" ~

Last Edited by on Nov 11, 2009 6:29 AM
Windjammer Loft
999 posts
Nov 11, 2009
3:40 AM
I have to agree with PR, all the way. When I first got into rollers I use to fly them at least twice aday. With the family I had,they soon got "stiff" and flew like homers. What a dumb
Then I learned that once every other day or once every 2 days was good enough. Lucky for me and my birds the BOP haven't present much of a problem this year. I have a flock of "Crows" that have been calling my flying space their "home" territory... And I'm Lov'en it.....LOL

Fly High and Roll On


Last Edited by on Nov 11, 2009 3:42 AM
173 posts
Nov 11, 2009
12:26 PM
weekends only from now on i had them out when i got home from work .but they flew till dusk . now its dark at 5 pm -----
the older i get the better i was
64 posts
Nov 11, 2009
6:36 PM
Being retired helps on being able to fly during the day, at various times when the weather is good. Breaking them up into kits I am able to get a couple of fly's per day,
sometimes I will fly only four birds at a time, as they trap in I let 4 more out, this way I can fly a lot longer. I know not everyone can do this but I found it has helped my birds kit togeather much better.

3468 posts
Nov 11, 2009
6:53 PM
Lew3015 lately I have been doing that flying 5 or 8 at a time. It's helps with evaluating my birds I can concentrate on a few at a time and another thing I don't want to attract BOP with alot of birds in the sky..there are times in the year that I do this.never a dull moment always come out with a plan....
Pigeons are not our whole life, but they damn sure make our lives whole!" ~

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