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What are these birds doing?

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25 posts
Nov 11, 2009
4:23 PM
Today I walked passed my kit boxes and heard all this pecking noise coming from inside...when I looked in I saw the birds sitting on perches pecking around on the wood perches...what does this mean???
BA Rollers
294 posts
Nov 11, 2009
5:01 PM
I see them do that often and believe they are attracted to the saltiness of the dried urine of the droppings. Pigeons love salt for some reason. About once a month I will take a piece of salt block and put it in a crock and pour water over it. The birds will gorge themselves on it.
3774 posts
Nov 11, 2009
5:08 PM
Various kinds of grit has a lot of salt in it. Many think thier birds will roll deeper when thier consumption of salt is elevated. I don't know. I can't comfirm nor deny
Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders
28 posts
Nov 11, 2009
5:09 PM
Rock salt should be in all your lofts 24/7

Last Edited by on Nov 11, 2009 5:09 PM
cv rollers
495 posts
Nov 11, 2009
6:00 PM
not table salt ,correct ,where do we find it ?i seen something like a salt ring at the feed store(for horses) ,is it that one???
Rick Flores
2611 posts
Nov 11, 2009
7:15 PM
They wanted to make you look.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
225 posts
Nov 11, 2009
7:59 PM
They were eating their crap. I dont know why they do it any more than I know why a dog or horse does it. I speculate there is something deficient in their diet, salt, minerals, poop ... who knows.

Table salt works fine. I add a 1/4 tsp to my waterers from time to time. Iodized salt is a good safe way to get iodine to breeding hens. Some hatchability problems are related to being iodine deficient. I also keep a trace mineral salt block around for my breeders to pick on. Its the same stuff you buy at the farm store for horses or rabbits.

Monty professed a mineral boost helped his teams. I believe it too. It seems to work similarly to a protein boost or red cell, etc. It wont make junk into greatness, but helps to add a little polish to an already good kit.

If it were easy, everybody would do it
427 posts
Nov 12, 2009
10:26 AM
----------I use sea salt once a month 1teaspoon to a gallon of water! to much salt will kill them!

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