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Louisville National

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3780 posts
Nov 12, 2009
3:48 PM
The crowd

I was disappointed in the number and the type of many Rollers being showed. I can understand the few birds that were shown because most people who fly Rollers don't much care to show them. Several of those birds shown looked to be just recent crosses. In other words they have not gone through many generations of breeding rollers back into the cross. Not only was the colors funkie, but the type didn't even look like a Flying Roller. Like all others present I kept my mouth shut not wanting to offend. That is the new me and I don't like me as much as I once did(LOL).

Pigmy Pouter. After visiting various lofts who have Pigmys I am beginning to like them. A very docile bird who often follows thier owner around like a little dog.

This is JEDS area. Business looked very brisk. There were magazine publishers; feed makers; and a whole lot of pigeons being sold.
Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders

Last Edited by on Nov 12, 2009 5:17 PM
3781 posts
Nov 12, 2009
3:57 PM
This is Don Hicks who was there. He is a NBRC RD and a good pigeon man.
Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders

Last Edited by on Nov 12, 2009 3:57 PM
3782 posts
Nov 12, 2009
5:02 PM
Joe Bell. Everyone recognizes Joe. He has that signature beard and an easy name to remember. Good man; good pigeon man
Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders

Last Edited by on Nov 12, 2009 5:02 PM
3783 posts
Nov 12, 2009
5:06 PM

Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders
3471 posts
Nov 12, 2009
5:14 PM
Hey Nick thx for the pictures .you took great shots almost like the person was right in front of me.
Pigeons are not our whole life, but they damn sure make our lives whole!" ~
12 posts
Nov 12, 2009
10:38 PM
Great pics Nick !
It was our first trip down there to the young bird show and we had a great time. We rolled our Parlors down there and my daughter Emily,who is 7, was the first junior to ever win and she also set the distance record at 182 ft 4 inches.
Anyway, I have a 5 pairs of Flying Rollers from a friend who also rolls Parlors and am very excited about breeding them this spring and training their young to fly out of portable lofts.
I walked all over looking for,what I thought,would be a big sectiion with the Flying Rollers and finally found them very close to where the Parlors were.
Mainly adfter finding a map of the show,lol.
3794 posts
Nov 12, 2009
11:25 PM
Yea Mark, there was not many being shown and we (the flying roller guys) didn't mark their display area very well.

I think it is great that your daughter did so well. I hope that is something that will follow her the rest of her days. I hope she stays in the pigeon hobby.

I have two Mark Wilson's going on. There is a roller man in Blackwell, OK named Mark Wilson. In the beginning via Facebook I thought you was him(LOL)
Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders
13 posts
Nov 13, 2009
5:27 AM
I think we're everywhere.I went to the dentist not too long ago and there was one there.Thank God they noticed because,I think, the other one was scheduled for a root canal !!
I noticed the other Mark Wilson when I was going thru the NBRC's fly reports.I was thinking man, I'm doing really well and haven't even flown a single roller yet,LOL.
Mark WW
3473 posts
Nov 13, 2009
7:14 AM
Hey Mark that's a good good points there .the dentist.. always make sure you getting what you came in for...and your doing good in comp without flying yet, can't get better then that..:)Mark are you in one of those pictures...
Pigeons are not our whole life, but they damn sure make our lives whole!" ~

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