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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > box or V perches?
box or V perches?

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559 posts
Jan 04, 2010
10:04 AM
My kit boxes have box perches, a lot of the birds have tails that look pretty bad. Most are frayed to say the least. I am wondering if V perches help birds have tail feathers in better condition?

If others are not experiencing suck poor tail feathers and are using box perches, how wide are your perches? or why do you think the tail feahters on your birds are remaining in good condition?

Thanks all.

RT Williams
1593 posts
Jan 04, 2010
10:32 AM
RT, I have tried them all, literally! :) Box rates last for me, because of bent feathers. If you use box make sure to leave a space away from the wall. V, better for clean birds but takes up space. I like and am converting all my kit box's and loft perches to the 2X4 style. I take an eight foot 2x4 and cut it on a 45 degree to start then I flip it over and cut again on a 45 degree. Keep flipping until you run out of 2X4. I make the flat seven inches. You will get 11 out of an 8' 2X4. The birds are forced to sit side ways so the poop falls mostly on the 45 degree down sloop. Making for clean feet and clean birds. They are easy to clean with a 4" putty knife. They cost less then 50 cents. :) Search for my kit box pictures for an example.


Last Edited by on Jan 04, 2010 10:34 AM
891 posts
Jan 04, 2010
10:38 AM

2626 posts
Jan 04, 2010
1:12 PM
Rt, I use box perches (I prefer them too), they measure 10x10 and I used 1x6 on the lumber. I believe it keeps them calmer than using the V perches as they to keep to them selves and not all involved with the rest of the kit mates. Also like Spanky stated, it keeps the shit off of them too. Lol
Salvador Ortiz
1093 posts
Jan 04, 2010
1:19 PM
Takes like 20 minutes to do. Having the pcs cut and having a staple gun way quicker. I have use both and I really like square perches more. They are easier to make for us. Also look I think much nicer but every one has there own opinion. Here are how ares look like.
Inside kit box
Salas Loft

Last Edited by on Jan 05, 2010 2:53 PM
2796 posts
Jan 04, 2010
4:13 PM
I like the V .. but then I'm lazy and they are easy to make and clean ... never had a problem with birds getting dirty .. depends I guess on how they are made.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
3510 posts
Jan 04, 2010
5:08 PM
I use V-perches never have my birds gotten shit on them the v perches act like an umbrella so the bird at bottom doesn't get rain they never get there feet dirty no poo poo to stand on..
Pigeons are not our whole life, but they damn sure make our lives whole!" ~
donnie james
866 posts
Jan 04, 2010
5:15 PM
hay rt,
i use to have box perches and i use them for years but after i moved to ferron my brother in law built my fly pen and he built block perches and i really like them and the tails don't get massed up and the lower birds don't get poop on them and their easy to clean.........
Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000
2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient
"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
560 posts
Jan 04, 2010
5:44 PM
Thanks everyone
I am like Scott and a little lazy. My boxes now are working fine. I get little crap on the birds below, I like the boxes, I think that it keeps them quiter, However the frayed feathers bother me a little.
Quickspin your boxes look nice,
Thom I will have to look at yours. I recall them but do not remember what they look like.

Thanks again
RT Williams
561 posts
Jan 04, 2010
5:49 PM
Those using V perches, did you make them out of 1x4 or 1x6.
I would think 1x4's would be plenty if not a litle big. also how long is one side?

RT Williams
313 posts
Jan 04, 2010
7:26 PM
here are my perches, the V perch is 4 inches wide and the box perch is 4 inches wide aswell, 8x8 inch square. they have both been great! just a personal choice, i prefer the box perch.
2797 posts
Jan 04, 2010
8:29 PM
I used 1x4
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
4013 posts
Jan 04, 2010
10:26 PM
I use the "v" because I always have.
Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders
spinner ball
49 posts
Jan 05, 2010
5:24 AM
V perches work for me box pigeons always get shit on there tails
Windjammer Loft
1045 posts
Jan 05, 2010
8:59 AM
rt...I use V perches also. I make my own. The side pieces are 1/2"x4"widex6"long, with a 2x2 base 4"long.

Fly High and Roll On

268 posts
Jan 05, 2010
1:39 PM
Trampas, I use V-perches too. I used to have box style but suffered from the same issues you identified; messed up feathers and soiling with droppings from above. V-perches have worked very well for me in kit boxes. As a side note, in the breeding loft, I use boxes because it is easier to catch a bird.


If it were easy, everybody would do it
Robert Pelham
6 posts
Jan 05, 2010
11:39 PM
Check fhe croners of the box perch for lose fit where the tails are getting cought.A good box is the best!
2269 posts
Jan 06, 2010
5:02 AM

About once a month I get a bird or two with poop on his back. The birds stay cleaner and dont get poopy feet either.
I had box perches when I first started. V`s are soooo much easier to clean.
blue sky single beat
in cadance performing now
earth beckons the winged
drawn breath is let quickly forth
orchestral movement follows

___ ~_____ _
\__\_/-|_| \__\____

Last Edited by on Jan 06, 2010 5:04 AM

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