127 posts
Jan 21, 2010
9:40 AM
Just wondering what everyone thinks on rolling being both a voluntary and involuntary behavior. I was just learning about cough and there is a voluntary and involuntary(reflex) component to it. We can consciously cough and we can cough out of reflex with varies degrees of being able self suppress it. Do you find that some birds actually appear to decide when to roll, while some might might be more reactive(ie reflex). Or maybe a bird can do both depending on the situation. ---------- Flying in someone else's backyard: Portable Kits
Last Edited by on Jan 21, 2010 9:42 AM
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3852 posts
Jan 21, 2010
10:18 AM
Well, I would just start with this, it isn't completely voluntary as only tumbling breeds are known to perform. So they are genetically predisposed to perform. Saying that, my experience with rollers is that when trained correctly and with good breeding behind them, they seem to perform at will. ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria