88 posts
Feb 07, 2010
3:36 PM
Has this happened to you. You go out to your loft and find a dead bird, a 2 year old, one that was fine and active just the day before, you know it has been eating and drinking, although it had been sitting ruffled up, as most birds do when it's cold, it is winter and has been cold, in the 20s really no drafts, the birds are allowed to get outside into fresh air, looking at the bird, there is no apparent reason why it should have died. All the other birds it was with look good and healthy, are eating and drinking good. Now your left with a dilemma, should you start antibiotics, wait and see if any others show any sickness. What would be the best course of action. Looking for some advice.
Last Edited by on Feb 07, 2010 3:37 PM