Sandy91, SA Region 3
224 posts
Mar 04, 2010
7:57 AM
Hallo everyone, its been a while since I been here, hope you are all doing good.
I have a problem and hope someone can help me or give me advice please.
Last year I got a pair of rollers from a friend and bred 6 babies from them, while i was still "homing" them some of them suddenly could not stand and had to used their wings to wove around so for not knowing what caused this I immediatly killed then. (If they are sick I dont want it to spread)The other three are still flying in my kit and there is noyhing wrong with them.
I bought some other rollers from another friend and also bred from them. Now after a few rounds I got got one bird that kant stand. My first reaction is that it had rolldown and injured itself. I looked at the bird and indeed the one leg was injured. but two weeks later the sister of the bird cant stand and there is no indication of any injury on its legs. A few days later another full sister of them has only one foot that it cant use.
I have put the birds aside were they can eat and the first bird is starting to stand but its toes are not completly normal, they stay in a closed position. I dont know if someting is biting them or it is a disease or what is wrong.
If anyone had seen this or have advice for me please feel free to let me in.
Thank you Thys Fourie
38 posts
Mar 04, 2010
8:20 AM
I'm sure there are more than one cause to this problem. In my experience, if the breeding pair has a habit of over crowding the nest with material it can cause damage to the youngsters. Causeing leg and wing deformation. I look at it like foot binding in oriental countries. As the young birds grow, especially with a crowded nest, they can become restricted in movement and this can hinder their development. I believe I've heard this referred to as splay wing if it effects the wings.
140 posts
Mar 04, 2010
8:41 AM
So the birds have a period of time or normalcy right? If the problem is an all of a sudden thing, I wouldnt suspect it being a developmental problem of the limbs. For some reason they are having a paralysis. Are they able to pull their leg away from you if you tug/pinch? Something may be affecting the nerves(where exactly no clue), and the one seems like it is gaining locomtion but not fine motor control of the toes. I like the calcium idea. although low calcium is associated with muscle weakness. so that's your call if they cant move completely or are just really weak. ---------- Flying in someone else's backyard: Portable Kits
Last Edited by on Mar 04, 2010 9:12 AM
750 posts
Mar 04, 2010
8:58 AM
If it just legs/walking thing might be lack of calcium. ---------- Ron Borderline lofts
2908 posts
Mar 04, 2010
1:32 PM
My thought .. just a stab here.. is splayed legs from not enough nest material in the nest bowl. I have only seen hens that just layed go off their feet due to not enough calcium ---------- Scott Campbell
" God Bless "
937 posts
Mar 04, 2010
2:44 PM
Are the young perfectly healthy at first or do they look like they are strugling?
---------- J.M.Urbon Lofts A Proven Family of Spinners
Sandy91, SA Region 3
225 posts
Mar 04, 2010
8:53 PM
Thank you all for the replys.
The birds are absolutly 100% normal at first. It looks to me if they cant use there legs. The have feeling in there legs, and they react if i pinch them.
I will also give them all calcium. My nests have never been overcrowded so do dont see a problem in that area. These three birds are already good rollers about four months old and now suddenly the problem happened.
------- Thys Fourie
497 posts
Mar 04, 2010
9:54 PM
Sounds like a one of the symptoms of paratyphoid. ---------- Tony.H... "Color is not an option"
307 posts
Mar 05, 2010
5:56 PM
I agree with Tony H. It sounds like a manifestation of paratyphoid. Treat with amoxicillin or if available Baytril. Isolate them from the rest.
For the bird you suspected bumped. It may never regain normal usage of its foot. Several times I have had a bird hit hard and suffer some nerve damage to a limb. All else works fine except the affected apendage. ----------
If it were easy, everybody would do it
946 posts
Mar 06, 2010
5:25 PM
Paratyphoid manifests itself in many ways and one of those happens to be paralasis. Swollen limbs and usually death. Make sure there isnt any soiled feed or traces of rodents around your loft. Sounds strange but rodent urine and droppings are extreamely harmful to the birds. Joe ---------- J.M.Urbon Lofts A Proven Family of Spinners
Last Edited by on Mar 07, 2010 9:19 AM
Sandy91, SA Region 3
226 posts
Mar 07, 2010
1:06 AM
I had another look at the birds and indeed their "wrists" are swollen. The only thing that seems to be wrong is their feet, they are eager to eat and have no other effects that I can see. I can never leave rodants out of consideration because I have had plenty of problems with them in the past. It look like I got rid of them but you never know. If it is indeed rodants would Baytrill help if I give it to them?
3585 posts
Mar 07, 2010
5:01 AM
Joe says Sounds strange but rodent urine and droppings are extreamely harmful to the birds.
Nothing strange about that Joe you are 100% correct just walking across the feed will contaminate it.I lost my 8 year old pitbull because I left the water bowl out and the rat urinated in the water as told by a vet.mess up her liver she die in 8 days and she last that long waiting for her rightful owner to return from college which is my daughter .no eating for 8 days and die as soon as my daughter arrived. I would put food down her throat hoping she make it.that's why I also keep my birds water safe at night hang high or something to protect the birds. ---------- Ralph. Pigeons are not our whole life, but they damn sure make our lives whole!" ~
Last Edited by on Mar 07, 2010 6:22 AM
950 posts
Mar 07, 2010
9:17 AM
clean the loft and disinfect. Get yourself a good paratyphoid medication such as a 4 & 1 and let it run through the entire cycle and then put the entire loft on a good probiotic. But the most important thing is to get rid of the rodent problem. Close off all access to rodents and clean any and all left over grains. The rodents wont come if there isnt any feed for them. Joe ---------- J.M.Urbon Lofts A Proven Family of Spinners
2257 posts
Mar 08, 2010
5:10 AM
Worm your flock and your trouble will go away. Do a test to find out if rodents are present by setting traps outside the loft for a few days.
Last Edited by on Mar 08, 2010 5:12 AM
152 posts
Mar 08, 2010
7:14 AM
Worm your birds and then give them Amoxicillin and Baytril. Also give them a tablespoon per gallon of ACV in their water as a preventative. You can also smash a clove of garlic in their water once a week. ---------- Dave - Hesperia, CA.
(San Bernardino Mountain Spinners)