ROLLER PIGEONS FOR SALE 417-935-4751 or text only 417-319-3453. USDA Certified Roller Pigeon Loft. Ruby strain of Birmingham Rollers only. Prices start at $25 and up. See real pictures of birds for sale. Order online or call. Accept credit and debit cards. Ship Nationwide. Classic colors and patterns include Checks, Bars, Grizzles, Recessive Reds, Baldheads, Tortishells, Almonds, Splashes, Badges, Opal, Dilues and more! Ship Weekly
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makeshift flight pen

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160 posts
Mar 09, 2010
11:02 AM
heres a flight pen I have constructed. Wanted something I could put my portable pens in that would allow them some stretch when I cant fly them. PVC pipe and a cast net. Works great as I can adjust how big I want it to radiate from the frame and has weights to keep it down and them inside. THey freaked out the first time I let them in it. They were bouncing everywhere but they learned real fast the boundaries of it and its not a problem.

Flying in someone else's backyard: Portable Kits
159 posts
Mar 09, 2010
11:30 AM
I hope you don't have Coopers in your area. They go thru chicken wire and kill pigeons, so that looks like they won't last long in there. JMHO!
Dave - Hesperia, CA.

(San Bernardino Mountain Spinners)
53 posts
Mar 09, 2010
11:44 AM
Thats creative. Looks like a good space for sunning and relaxing. Very cool.
161 posts
Mar 09, 2010
1:20 PM
Nope. I dont have any hawks. What are these BOP everyone speaks of?

Yes, i built it many for sunning, bathing, training them. Only out there when supervised.

Since I have not the capabilities of building permanent or nice sturdy structures because I move a lot. Its the next best thing on the cheap.

Last Edited by on Mar 09, 2010 1:25 PM
161 posts
Mar 09, 2010
1:32 PM
That's great pinwheel, you gotta do what ever works for you. Keep them flyin'

Dave - Hesperia, CA.

(San Bernardino Mountain Spinners)
698 posts
Mar 09, 2010
6:45 PM
Pinwheel are you positive you dont have BOPs in your area?? How long have you been flying for??

Just curious becase your profile says your from Florida and theres gotta be some kind of BOP down south. Maybe you just havenet seen one yet?? or maybe im just wrong and your right lol.
168 posts
Mar 09, 2010
6:54 PM
No I was being a silly goose. ANd there are tons of them... I have been aware of the BOP situation since I can remember holding my first pigeon lol. I am visiting my parents and decided to let some of my birds out since they went with me and in mere seconds resident coopers had claimed two of them, one in afternoon, and one in the evening. It was my fault. But thats why I built that cage so I can work on trap training them and conditioning them to the box really well as it only happens that I get them out to trap on the weekends. But can whistle/call and feed during the week but never let them out to trap back in.

somthing like this
Flying in someone else's backyard: Portable Kits

Last Edited by on Mar 09, 2010 7:19 PM
donnie james
958 posts
Mar 09, 2010
7:47 PM
hay penwheel,
i hope your out there with your birds that's a nice way to loose your birds the cats and dogs and hawks will get them ............not to be a smart ass about it but nice set up any way
Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
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2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
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"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
169 posts
Mar 09, 2010
8:10 PM
I strand them like TOm Hanks on Cast away... Just kidding. No the point of this thing is to help me train them without them taking flight, cause im working with a lot of 3-5 motnhs that want to take to flight. Becuase ealier this week I lost two to hawks in seconds. And it allows me to get them out to work with them in a controlled environment. Otherwise I wouldnt know how to work with them.
Flying in someone else's backyard: Portable Kits
14 posts
Mar 09, 2010
8:16 PM
Pinwheel. How long do you have to work with your birds to hand feed like that. Also to get them to go into the cage like that. I would have to starve mine for about three days and they would still be nervous obout eating out of my hand. JC
55 posts
Mar 09, 2010
8:17 PM
Thats awesome man. I am working with a few of my birds that are about the same age. Typically when they come in from loft flying i have to shoo them in like yours. They seem to get better and better at it each time. Good luck and way to go with them so far.
9 posts
Mar 09, 2010
9:28 PM
That vid that shows you flying them out of a truck. When I was a youngster back in the 80's A guy would show up once a month at the feed store and fly some kits. you could pick the bird out of the sky. We would ride our bikes about 5 miles and be there at 8 am. those were the days.
701 posts
Mar 09, 2010
11:04 PM
Lol ohhh haha. Cool Pinwheel looks great! Hope you are happy with your birds. Hopefully when you have your own place you can build them a nice loft :)
170 posts
Mar 10, 2010
5:52 AM
JC, I think the pellets help with the feeding to be honest. Im not sure if you feed seed or not. THe ones that were eating out my hand were all squeekers. The older ones not to much. But I try to feed them out of my hand at least every feeding for a little bit. Doesnt seem to take much time at least with the pellet. But im glad that you say your birds would be terrified even after three days. so at least im making some progress.
Flying in someone else's backyard: Portable Kits

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