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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > Congratulations Paul and Scott
Congratulations Paul and Scott

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Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3980 posts
Apr 20, 2010
11:12 AM
Wanted to congratulate both Paul Fullerton and Scott Campbell for coming in 1st and 2nd respectively in their Regions World Cup Prelims. Way to go guys. I heard the hot weather played a part in the lower scores. I also heard Brad Winward did an excellent job with judging. Congrats!
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
1732 posts
Apr 20, 2010
11:28 AM
I'll second that! Congrats!

michael salus
199 posts
Apr 20, 2010
11:56 AM
Nice job and good luck in the finales!! Hope for better weather!!
2397 posts
Apr 20, 2010
12:53 PM
Way to go guys! Now comes the tough part...getting them on point again! LOL!

Last Edited by on Apr 20, 2010 12:54 PM
4310 posts
Apr 20, 2010
1:04 PM
Good job, gentlemen
A True Friend Is Hard To Find
Nick Siders
3007 posts
Apr 20, 2010
4:53 PM
Thanks guys.. the warm weather played no part in the low scores.. we all just stunk LOL

Cliff.. there was no point to get .. we just got them out when we could between storm systems.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
460 posts
Apr 20, 2010
6:23 PM
Congrats to Scott C. and Paul Fullerton for qualifying, Now lets get ready for the big dance.
take care


Last Edited by on Apr 20, 2010 6:23 PM
1020 posts
Apr 20, 2010
7:23 PM
Congratulations to both of you. I wish you the best in the finals. Joe
J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners
Dave Szab
19 posts
Apr 20, 2010
8:00 PM
Congratulations to Scott, Paul, and Sid....way to go guys!

3008 posts
Apr 20, 2010
8:58 PM
Just got this from Brad .. it was a tough fly

Northern California 2010 Regional World Cup fly
RD- Scott Campbell
Judge- Brad Winward

Paul Fullerton
Q 1.3 D 1.4 5,5,5,5,6 / 7,6/ 7 / 7 = 96.46
Scott Campbell
Q 1.5 D 1.3 5,5 /6 / / 6,5,5,6,6 =85.8
Ken Firl
Q 1.4 D 1.2 5, /5, 6,/ 8, /5,5 =67.2
Darrell Pearson
Q1.4 D1.3 5 / 5,5,5,5/ / 5,5 =63.7
Larry Ellis
Q 1.4 D 1.4 5,7,8,5,5/ / / =58.8
Bill Crider
Q1.3 D 1.2 5,6/ 5,7,5,8 =56.16
Brent Timeus
Q1.4 D 1.2 / / / 5,5 / 5,5 = 33.6
Will Smith
Q 1.3 D 1.3 5 / / / 6 = 18.59
Kham Thao
Q 1.3 D 1.2 6 / / /5 = 17.16
Joe Urbon
Q 1.3 D 1.1 5 / / 5 / =14.3
Dwight Wallace
Q 1.3 D 1.3 5 / / / =8.45
David Godoy
Q 1.3 D 1.3 5/ / / =8.45
Paul Fullerton #2
Q 1.1 D 1.0 5 =5.5
Miguel Gonzales = 0
Steve Bills =0
Dwight Wallace #2 =DNF
Don Siggins =DQ

Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
2508 posts
Apr 20, 2010
11:19 PM
It was a tough fly....Like Scott said...the weather leading up to the fly was pretty sketchy day by day it is raining...the next it is day day wind and rain..then fog...then 75....just crazy....

All the birds flew the same...real stiff...

rock and ROLL

2295 posts
Apr 21, 2010
4:44 AM
Congrats gentlemen. Excellent work.

2398 posts
Apr 21, 2010
6:47 AM
I was speaking of the finals. For me, the hardest part is getting them back on point for the finals. The weather is usually different, and, of course, you have less time to work with. Good luck!
3009 posts
Apr 21, 2010
7:49 AM
Thanks Cliff.. honestly the finals should be much easier to set up for as the weather settles and we get some time to evaluate and work in a bird here and there.
I might note that I honestly just plain screwed up on this last fly.. a hand full of Salflour would have knocked out the activity stuff and clicked up the wingbeat just a tad... I was rushed and just plain forgot until I was 30 min down the hiway.
It is worth mention that this judge is no slouch either.. he seperated the wheat from the chaff as far as acceptable quality and wanted them hammering real breaks (imagine that LOL).. he wasn't fooled by activity... if anyone wants a judge that is very critical and consistant this is the guy.. don't expect egos to be stroked though.
From what I am hearing about the finals judge this is exactly the type of judge that we needed... good luck in your qualifier
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "

Last Edited by on Apr 21, 2010 7:57 AM
2399 posts
Apr 21, 2010
8:02 AM
For this region it's just the opposite. During the finals the weather is changing again from moderately cooler spring air and temps to summer heat and humididty....and it takes a toll on the birds until they adjust. It's hard to feed them right during that change.

I haven't heard much about Adrian, the finals judge. I rode on the bus with him all day at one of the NBRC conventions...Denver, I think it was....and he was quite a character. Sounds like he takes his rollers seriously, though!

Last Edited by on Apr 21, 2010 8:05 AM
Dave Szab
20 posts
Apr 21, 2010
9:18 AM
Getting my birds on point for the finals, in the past, has been a crap shoot because the finals fly is usually between only 1 week up to 3 weeks after the regional fly and with weather changes, and work schedule, you can sometimes get lucky and get them where they need to be, but it's never as easy to do as it is to get them on point for the regional fly. You usually have time to make up for any roadblock that might come up during the prep for the regional fly, but with the time constraints between the regional and the finals, you have to have some luck to help you out sometimes.

With that said, I wish you all good luck in getting your birds prepped for the finals.......except for Scott.....he's won enough already!


2400 posts
Apr 21, 2010
12:42 PM
That was exactly the point that I was trying to make, Dave. Well said. I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.

Last Edited by on Apr 21, 2010 12:47 PM
BA Rollers
335 posts
Apr 21, 2010
1:58 PM
I can never get my birds back on point after qualifying for the finals. It usually takes 6 weeks to get them to cycle through to where they are back on point again. In my region a person has to set the kit on Kill in order to try and qualify which usually means they won't be set on kill when the finals rolls through a few weeks later. This is why having a second kit is good.
209 posts
Apr 21, 2010
8:14 PM
congrats ...gents ...and good luck
pigeon pete
537 posts
Apr 22, 2010
2:35 AM
well done guys,
i should be flying today as build up to a fly on Sunday, but I'm getting far too many bop attacks and may not have enough birds left to fly if I prep them properly.
Our WC prelim is on the 8th May. havn't been able to fly it for a few years, so I;ve got my fingers crossed that I will have 15 birds to fly come the day!
Good luck to all those still waiting to fly.
262 posts
Apr 22, 2010
3:11 AM
Congrats Paul and Scott. Good luck in the next level. I know you guys will represent the region well.
DJJeffman Spinners

2661 posts
Apr 22, 2010
9:09 AM
Congrats gentlemen! ---------- Salvador Ortiz
michael salus
201 posts
Apr 22, 2010
10:27 AM
Scott, I just reread your post (3009) Could you explain the safflower comment more. Thanks !!
391 posts
Apr 22, 2010
8:06 PM
Nice one guys! Keep representing! It is nice to know that someone we know could win the cup.

I think we can give credit to Tony as well given that some of Paul's birds (as I understand) are perhaps some of Tony's breed/family strain. That would be a good publicity.

I also understand that Scott and Paul are friends so just imagine if those 2 win the competition. Who is buying beer now?
1022 posts
Apr 22, 2010
10:11 PM
Rod no disrespect to you or Tony but I believe all of the cudos go to Paul. Believe me when I tell you because I have been there. The dedication that it takes to train a kit with the caliber needed to win the WC or the FF all goes to the manager of that kit. You dont get there riding the shirt tails of another breeder. Joe

I might add that I left Scotts name out of that thread because after attaining Master flier status I dont think he needed to be addressed at that time. His past records speak for themself.

J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners

Last Edited by on Apr 24, 2010 8:07 PM
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3981 posts
Apr 23, 2010
5:26 AM
Hey Joe, you do know that you can't make chicken soup from chicken shit. Right? Paul has continued to use Ruby Rollers to add to his recipe. He has a borrowed lavendar hen in his stock loft right now. With the BS that has been allowed to be posted on some sites, I think that it is very fair for Rod to express his opinion with a "shout out" to the Ruby Rollers. BTW, no one is denying Paul his props, and I am the first to tell him so like I did in a phone call with him just a couple days ago. The fact of the matter is, when someone does well in competition, one of the first things people ask is what family of birds are you using? Pauls answer would be, Ruby Rollers and Mort Emani birds; which have become the foundation of his "Flashover" strain.

So Rod, "thank you" for your comment, you show a level of class and I appreciate it.

One more thing, the birds I sell to all my customers are from the same "stock" as from what Paul has received from me. I hope this guy doesn't mind me saying so, but last year, Brian Sappok, a newer competitor flew Ruby Rollers in the NBRC National prelims and had 16 breaks, scored 263 points, had multipliers of 1.3 for quality and 1.3 for depth. Here is what he told me:

October 4, 2009: "I'm very pleased with the birds. This was my first comp fly. I was 1st place but someone scored 330 today so I sit in 2nd place in region 9G.They have 2 more kits to fly…These were my breaks 6,6,8,7,8,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,8,8,10,5 quality 1.3 and depth 1.3 for a score of 263.64…Thanks again Tony, Brian Sappok"

Don't doubt it folks, Ruby Rollers are good pigeons, anyone trying to minimize what I have done with this strain does not change that.
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Last Edited by on Apr 23, 2010 5:52 AM
3010 posts
Apr 23, 2010
5:47 AM
Michael.. they needed the Salflour to knock out some of the activity rolling amd to give them a little more strength .. I ran the birds on 50/50 wheat Milo and the Salfour just tightens things up.
Now if they were too strong than it would be the last thing I wanted .. this wasn't the case which was obvious the day before.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
3011 posts
Apr 23, 2010
5:52 AM
Joe is 100 0/0 doesn't matter the family of birds.. Paul would have found his way regardless and be doing the same... that is just how it works.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3982 posts
Apr 23, 2010
6:53 AM
Scott, I agree, but he found his way with the Morts and Ruby's and not your stuff. That's 100% correct.
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
794 posts
Apr 23, 2010
6:59 AM
Paul....Congrats on your baby and your kit fly.JDA
3012 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:08 AM
That is the point Tony.. it isn't about your birds or my birds or this family or that family.. it is about a few key birds that are dicovered and honing in around them.. if his loft burnt down today it would not be about just pulling in birds from both sources and away we go... it doesn't work that way in any way shape or form.
If my loft did the same I couldn't even imagine starting over to search out and find a few key birds again.. there is a reason there are no one family dominating anything .. only particular flyers that you need to watch out for.
The worst thing here is someone else having their foot in his loft.. myself I wouldn't tolorate it..there is way way too much work involved to put up with that non-sence.
I have seen it over and over and over again ..Rodman out of Hawaii FF winner) just experianced the same thing ..this is one thing that would make me dump an entire loft... which I have also seen before.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "

Last Edited by on Apr 23, 2010 7:17 AM
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3983 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:18 AM
Scott, I believe it was you who once said that "you can't make chicken soup from chicken shit" in reference to rollers. It takes years to really understand a family gene pool, I have 18 years with my strain. Do I know everything about them? Of course not, but if my loft burned down, there are allot of lofts I would be happy to pay $59.95 for each Ruby they had. That is a fact.

As for your last paragraph, I tell you what, I can't thank Sal Estrada or one or two others enough for the work they put in to keep good quality rollers of which I benefited from. When egos don't care who gets credit, the Birmingham Roller does just fine.

PS: My foot is in Pauls loft, he has borrowed birds and still does, there is a lav hen in there right now that is mine that he wants to own. He can't have it! LOL

The day may come when Paul will determine he has all he needs from me, or perhaps he will trade a bird or two here and there like Sal and I have done over the years. Setting egos aside really does wonders...
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Last Edited by on Apr 23, 2010 7:28 AM
3013 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:24 AM
Thanks JDA ;)

(Paul & Scott my man....Congrats on your baby and your kit fly.JDA )
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
795 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:27 AM
Post 782
3014 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:38 AM
Regardless of the family it is more about picking out the chicken pieces from the chicken crap ..again there is a reason that no one family shines above others. only particual flyers... there is no need for this conversation to go further.. it will just get ugly.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
3015 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:39 AM
Missed you on the fly JDA
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
3016 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:47 AM
Where's the love JD .. I'm not feeling it today.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "

Last Edited by on Apr 23, 2010 7:48 AM
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3984 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:59 AM
Hey Scott, ask Paul the details about the bird, this is the second time he has borrowed her. He has his reasons, he can fill you in, I know you guys talk regularly.
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
1023 posts
Apr 23, 2010
7:59 AM
Tony like I said in my post and I say it again. No disrespect to you and yes Paul has always given the props to you. My point is the manager makes the birds not the other way around. I have watched the passion that paul has with his birds and like Scott posted I think he would be in the tops with any respectable family of rollers. He pays attention to what his birds need. That always has and always will make a good manager. Joe
J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3985 posts
Apr 23, 2010
8:07 AM
Hey Joe, you are a smart guy and we don't need to go back and forth. I think my post 3981 continues to make the point I wanted to make. Paul is a credit to the hobby and I take nothing away from him, and he knows it.
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
759 posts
Apr 23, 2010
9:43 AM
Hey Tony,is that the same lav hen I saw when I visited with you? I later got squeeker out of her?
Borderline lofts
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3986 posts
Apr 23, 2010
10:26 AM
Hey Ron, yes, you got Ruby-08-040, and it is off of that lav hen #116.
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Dave Szab
21 posts
Apr 23, 2010
10:27 AM
I would never take credit when someone does well in competition with my birds, because the credit goes to the guy that actually flew them in the competition.

Also, if I was going to take credit for a guy that does well with them, then I should also take credit for all the guys that do terrible with them. How many guys have you ever heard say; "Did you see John Doe's kit score zero in the WC regional? Those were MY birds that he did that with!"

You can't have it one way, if you don't own up to it the other way also.

The bottom line is that all the kudos goes to the manager of the kit, and he also takes the blame when the kit does bad.

If a certain family of birds does well over many years, under many different flyers, then that family's reputation will speak for itself.

Dave Szabatura
70 posts
Apr 23, 2010
10:35 AM
As i remember paul you had a bad fly last year they were giving you shit.looks like the cream rose to the top this year congrat's Paul way to show them !! o before i forget every one jumped on the bandwagon that ruby's were no good over priced when paul flew last toby said tell them tony how do you like me now!!
760 posts
Apr 23, 2010
10:48 AM
Hey Tony, I flew him one year and as far as I am concerned was incedible.So I got two rounds out him and put him back in the air.This year he is stocked for good.All squeeks (now one year old) are in my main kit.He is the standard I use for all the Rubys at my loft.
Borderline lofts
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3987 posts
Apr 23, 2010
10:59 AM
Dave, rough paraphrase: "I sure hope (left out) doesn't do well cause it will make Tony look good". You have absolutely NO credibility with me. I hope I can wash the slime off after reading your last post.
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Last Edited by on Apr 23, 2010 11:01 AM
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3988 posts
Apr 23, 2010
11:12 AM
Hey Jeff, now that is a great supportive post! Thanks!
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3989 posts
Apr 23, 2010
11:16 AM
Hey Ron, I will buy that bird back from you for $59.95 and pay for shipping! Serious offer! I am glad it has worked out for you. If you ever want to cross him onto his mother, let me know, we can share the offspring. Thanks and hope things continue to work out for you with this bird.
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
761 posts
Apr 23, 2010
11:44 AM
Tony,as generous as that offer is,lol,I think I'll hang on to him for a little while.
Thanks again!!
Borderline lofts
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
3990 posts
Apr 23, 2010
11:45 AM
awwwww man! lol
Tony Chavarria

Your Own Custom Telephone # Bands

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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