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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > fly early or late??
fly early or late??

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650 posts
May 14, 2010
7:28 PM
When do you like to fly and Why?
I have an afternoon wind that keeps from flying in the afternoon on a consistant bases. Therefore I end up flying in the mornings. Thier are some benifits to flying early.
I however would prefer to feed late. I think the birds stay calmer, especially the males, when they are hungry all day.
Wondering what others opinions are? and what if anything one can do, to do both?


RT Williams
Brink of Rolling Loft

Last Edited by on May 14, 2010 7:29 PM
cv rollers
555 posts
May 14, 2010
10:40 PM
RT,I fly mine in the hottest part of the day to get my birds ready for the summer here in the desert it gets 110-117degrees so i start now and build them up to fly any time of the day
Rick Flores
donnie james
1006 posts
May 15, 2010
12:43 PM
hay rt,
i fly mine every other day about mid morning unless i'm flying in compition the i what time i'm fly like 10:00 or 11:00 or what ever time then i start flying that time every other day............
Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000
2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient
"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
215 posts
May 19, 2010
3:02 PM
RTwilliams you should feed them a small amount in the mornings when you fly and feed them the amount you want to give in the later evening wheter you fly them or not. I prefer flying in the mornings because that's when my birds are the most active. i dont really like flying late since some birds can get lost and not come in if its too dark. -joe v.
403 posts
May 21, 2010
8:25 PM
I fly mine in the afternoon. But I have hawks around those time. Same in the morning. The hawk appears there, too, around 9 am. I tried late afternoon or near sunset, but a falcon comes. I can't win so I vary the time and day. If I get attack I don't fly the next day or two. It is a battle of wits among predators. Basically if you have resident hawks, you can't get consistent time frame to fly your birds else the predators will learn quick and comes around the same time. I did notice, however, that the falcon that attacks me comes late in the afternoon or near sunset and it is pretty consistent so I usually call my birds then.
2538 posts
May 21, 2010
9:59 PM
As long as there is no heat...I will fly any time....I really feel the fly time does not make a difference..if the birds are ready they will do it regardless of the time.....unless there is extreme heat.

As long as you have a week or so to get them on the fly time feeding should be AOK...

I have had kits do well in the morning and afternoon...

rock and ROLL


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