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Stock Sense

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4332 posts
May 20, 2010
9:16 PM
I am seeking a good thought out definition of "Stock Sense" I often hear many talk about it, but never really define it. I am not sure if it is some type a gift or a sense that some have and some don't; something that can't really be defined or learned.
What Is Life Without Honor?
Nick Siders
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
4042 posts
May 21, 2010
9:35 AM
Stock Sense: the ability and/or tendency of the fancier, knowledgeable and experienced with a specific family to determine with high reliability the intrinsic value of a roller pigeon for purposes of reproducing desirable traits and eliminating undesirable traits within that family.
Tony Chavarria

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
3042 posts
May 21, 2010
9:58 AM
Nick.. I think that there are many factors that play in.. first.. a basic understanding of the breed is a must and what makes a solid stable hammer verses a bone head that is going to plow dirt in time.

I have said it a 100 times on here.. a child can breed unstable pigeons that are loaded with roll.. why do you think guys feel a need to breed out of roll downs and other unstable pigeons ?

And why do some have to breed countless to be competitive while others can breed 60-80 to be competitive ?

Now those that can breed stable hammers that are loaded with roll are the one's that we need to looking at.

To cut to the chase.. it is learned understanding of the breed and a sence on how to balance it all together...some will get it and it will show in their success.. but most will just keep chasing others pigeons
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "

Last Edited by on May 21, 2010 10:00 AM
1033 posts
May 21, 2010
10:56 AM
Nick I have been trying to figure out a way to put this so that it would make sense but I dont think I could add anything to Scotts last post to improve on it. Very well put Scott, Joe
J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners
2536 posts
May 21, 2010
11:22 AM
Stock sense-

Stock sense is not learned or taught. Stock sense is what many call in the livestock or animal arena as a gift. Again not taught or learned. You either have it or you don't. It's the recognition of high quality animals without scientific back up or pedigrees or charts. Many call it having a good gut instinct.

Those with stock sense are successful breeders and competitors with animals. Most with good stock sense can find the highest quality in just about any type of domesticated animal with minimal knowledge.

Breeding principals are the same in all animals... those with stock sense can apply the principals of breeding to produce and recognize a high quality animal. They also follow the laws of probability when breeding and selecting animals without the use of is all about recognition. Those with stock sense are the ones that are not swayed by outside influences....and they have the sense to only breed the best and accept the best.

Its many aspects of breeding bundled up into one..the whole package....a gift.

My personal opinion on stock that you just know..the sixth need for this or that...those that will select one animal over another with most things being equal and having a high % of successful matings with the selections. It luck the first couple of times you are successful....its good sense if it is year after year.

Some have a green thumb some dont....My mom can make a house plant flourish....with no training..she just knows or senses what is needed...myself...I have all silk and rubber....because I just cant get a sense for it....

rock and ROLL


Last Edited by on May 21, 2010 11:24 AM
815 posts
May 21, 2010
11:41 AM
I would have to roll with Scott on this one as he Hammerd it!!!!! Everything he said with my own personal imphassis on the percentage.... I love rollers But I dont keep everything or breed all my pairs. I am confortable with the percentages of good rollers I breed in a year.. I breed about 80 or so sometimes 100 but I cull radically and provide newcommers with the best I can.. Stock Sence for me personally is the ability to become a Roller Breeder opposed to a pigeon Keeper.... 1

"Home of the Ghost Town Roller"
4333 posts
May 21, 2010
12:17 PM
"Stock sense is not learned or taught. Stock sense is what many call in the livestock or animal arena as a gift. Again not taught or learned. You either have it or you don't. It's the recognition of high quality animals without scientific back up or pedigrees or charts. Many call it having a good gut instinct."

I think you are on to something here, Paul Fullerton. I like it; understand it; believe it; and I would like to use it.

I think that is why some always perform better than others no matter how hard the others work at it in the livestock arena; one that would include pigeons.
What Is Life Without Honor?
Nick Siders
4334 posts
May 21, 2010
12:26 PM
Scott - as always I find myself agreeing with most everything you say about these f___ING pigeons that we both love dearly.
What Is Life Without Honor?
Nick Siders
401 posts
May 21, 2010
8:09 PM
I agree with Paul's definition of stock sense here. To me it is an intuition of knowing something yet you really don't know what, but you ends up pretty good about it.

Obviously experience and lessons can teach you about breeding and selection, but with people with stock sense ended up more masterly than those that don't have it.

I think some people have it and some don't. For example, you can see an animal and say that is not good for anything, yet someone with mightier sense might say otherwise. They can see things that we don't see even though we are looking at the same object. And I am not referring to pre-knowledge or things you already learned from experience/education.
2537 posts
May 21, 2010
9:57 PM are so right...the sense is not a black and white paper...or even using experience or is more like the force in star wars...being one with the force...LOL

intuition is the key word you just know but you cant explain it. but most in the animal world with good stock sense can bring the best out of any breed or animal......once the dig in.....

This is a hard one to explain....

rock and ROLL


Its like being a jedi....LOL
463 posts
May 21, 2010
10:30 PM
Stock sense is like... Common sense very few have
2669 posts
May 22, 2010
12:35 PM
Stock sense is like... Common sense very few have

I agree with this one...LOL... Great post gentlemen.
Salvador Ortiz

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