1227 posts
Jul 01, 2010
5:46 PM

 ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
1228 posts
Jul 01, 2010
5:51 PM
HERE ARE SOME OF MY 2010 YOUNG HIGGINS AND I'M NOT DONE BREEDING. SOME ARE ROLLing!! AND SOME ARE NOT rolling Yet!THERE ARE 3 TO 5 MONTHS ARE OLDER THERE ARE ALL OUT OF MY HIGGINS FAMILY ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
Last Edited by on Jul 02, 2010 10:30 AM
900 posts
Jul 01, 2010
6:24 PM
whe u say some are rollers what type of birds are the others but what ever they are nice looking birds good luck ---------- jerry t
680 posts
Jul 01, 2010
6:25 PM
nice bunch of birds.
121 posts
Jul 01, 2010
6:44 PM
Jose, nice group of young. They look similar to my rollers out of Norm Reed stock. I to get lots of red, but my blue side is showing more depth this year than the reds.
2974 posts
Jul 01, 2010
6:57 PM
Nice Jose............... ---------- RUDY PAYEN PANCHO VILLA LOFT
214 posts
Jul 01, 2010
7:12 PM
Those look like some nice birds Jose. I love the dark checks with the Bronze bleeding thru. I get some of the same out of my Apodacas and my Steve Agent cock. You sure get a crap load of reds dont you. Let me know how they do in the fall fly. ---------- Dave - Hesperia, CA.
(San Bernardino Mountain Spinners)
174 posts
Jul 01, 2010
7:16 PM
Outstanding young birds! I am very very jealous. Let us know how the spin.
1229 posts
Jul 01, 2010
7:46 PM
thanks guys.. ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
donnie james
1055 posts
Jul 01, 2010
7:54 PM
hay jose, very nice looking young birds and i want to wish all the best with them............... ---------- Donny James "Fly The Best And Cull The Rest" "Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another" "Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide" 1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000 2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient 2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge 2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient "Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
780 posts
Jul 01, 2010
11:01 PM
Jnyce I think he meant some are rolling and some arent??
1230 posts
Jul 02, 2010
10:31 AM
the game i fix it i'm a bad speller loll ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
2687 posts
Jul 05, 2010
8:50 AM
Jose, you have too many.. Send some this way.. LOL ---------- Salvador Ortiz
1232 posts
Jul 05, 2010
9:46 AM
Sal and i'm not done breeding yet lolll ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
564 posts
Jul 06, 2010
10:04 PM
Jose, those are some nice birds. Im pretty sure they will do some great spinning ---------- W.Cha
1233 posts
Jul 07, 2010
3:54 PM
washington86 thanks for the nice words, I'm already seeing some improvement in the air -) ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
1676 posts
Jul 09, 2010
7:53 AM
Very impressive looking Jose. Those reds must work well I guess... you sure have a lot of them.
Good job! Keep em' flying!
Marcus Deep Spin Lofts
1237 posts
Jul 09, 2010
10:01 AM
DeepSpinLofts but yea the red are getting the job done ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
418 posts
Jul 09, 2010
11:29 PM
How do they perform these Higgins? They certainly look beautiful. What are the pros and cons of this family?
1239 posts
Jul 11, 2010
8:32 AM
RodSD they perform good for me, nice speed,nice depth,kitting is ok, and enough to keep breeding them but that just me... ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
Rick Mee
47 posts
Jul 11, 2010
11:26 AM
I visited Jerry with my son for the first time in the summer of 1995 while driving from NC to WA. Every single pair he had was a recessive red mated to a black. In 1996 I judged the first NBRC Fall Fly, later renamed the Jim Perri Memorial Fly, then lastly the National Championship Fly, and saw all sorts of colors that you will not get from mating recessive reds to black while visiting him again.
My question is, what was added......does anyone know?
1240 posts
Jul 11, 2010
12:21 PM
Rick I Think the only one that can answer your question is Jerry him self... but i can be wrong!!! ---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.
513 posts
Jul 14, 2010
1:05 AM
nice looking birds jose.... ---------- Cristian Castro C-M-E Loft
Sammy W
7 posts
Jul 14, 2010
7:30 PM
Jose Those are some very nice looking youngster.Wish you the very best with them.
1244 posts
Jul 14, 2010
9:18 PM
CVRC,Sammy W thanks bro's
---------- ~ Jose Jimenez Aka Evilloft ~ Compton ca ,Mesa Az .Going all Higgins this Year.