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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > Breeding Records
Breeding Records

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9 posts
Jul 13, 2010
11:47 AM
Hey list,

I remember there used to be a free spreadsheet for keeping records of breeding. Does anyone have one that their willing to share? I'm looking for something simple to keep track of my breeding.

113 posts
Jul 13, 2010
12:02 PM
give me your email address,i will sent you some.
10 posts
Jul 13, 2010
12:10 PM
Here you go shukz,

Thanks, I really appreciate it.
"Barrio Rollers"
J. DeLeon
Pheonix, Az - The valley of the Sun!!!
1127 posts
Jul 13, 2010
12:46 PM
I use rollerdb and is a very nice program worth it. I also have a back up on paper which I made on Microsoft very easy.

Has 5 colums. Here wont fit but so you can get an idea. The first one is the bird that you are banding 2nd line is his father, 3rd one is his mother, remarks of how the bird first started to come in to the roll or any faults, Dob when the bird was born. You can add more but here is something simple I want to know.

Band#____Father band#____Mot___Remarks___ DOB____ Pedigree Program

Here is what you can do with the program best one I have use so far. So easy ones you get a hang of it. And you can have a picture for every bird in the pedigree. Everything you need is there if not just ask Gonzalo to add what you need and he will.

Salas Loft

Last Edited by on Jul 17, 2010 12:19 AM
donnie james
1066 posts
Jul 13, 2010
4:44 PM
hay jd.,
send me your mailing address i got some breed records and track sheet that will help you you can send your mailing address at
Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000
2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient
"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
4382 posts
Jul 13, 2010
5:03 PM
Think Outside The Box
Nick Siders
gentle johnnie
189 posts
Jul 14, 2010
11:07 AM
I got a program that is used by Tipplers go to think u will like it very easy to use- GOD BLESS!!!----------
Gentle Johnnie "Angels of the Sky Loft"

Last Edited by on Jul 14, 2010 11:07 AM
515 posts
Jul 14, 2010
11:41 AM
i have found rollerdb the best and easiest way for keeping records
Cristian Castro
C-M-E Loft
675 posts
Jul 14, 2010
5:43 PM
not to knoock on rollerdb, It appears to be a good program, I have a membership, but it drives me nuts.

I use Microsoft Acces and made a database that works for me. I can manipulate the info the eay I want to. I made a second database for culls, lost birds etc, so I can see where my birds are going, and which pairs are working and which suck.
RT Williams
Brink of Rolling Loft
182 posts
Jul 14, 2010
10:42 PM is great. Its easy to keep organized and it will do some of the work for you, like pedigree's. If you have a camera your can keep nice records and they are easy to keep track of.
Sound Rollers
353 posts
Jul 16, 2010
6:22 AM
All, what data do you record in a breeding record?

12 posts
Jul 16, 2010
8:30 AM
Band #, parents, date hatched, description. I've seen some with scales to rate style, speed, depth, and kitting.
"Barrio Rollers"
J. DeLeon
Pheonix, Az - The valley of the Sun!!!
donnie james
1082 posts
Jul 16, 2010
8:27 PM
hay john.
i got breeding records,performance details and gender populations and bird tracking sheet that's band # pair# and comments ............that really helps me out
Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000
2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient
"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
1129 posts
Jul 17, 2010
12:26 AM
Hi John, as for me on my pedigrees notes I put when was the bird born, what color it's, who are the parents, grandparents and so on, How long did it took to come in to the roll, how deep it's, what style it's, how fast it's, what faults it has, and the % of good rolls and bad rolls. This are just some.
This helps you out if the bird makes it to the breeding loft so you wont breed two birds with the same fault. Also to balance out the bird better.

Salas Loft
2569 posts
Jul 17, 2010
9:52 AM
Just a little word of advice. I have power pigeon is an excellent source for keeping records and with one button push you can get a ped on a bird in seconds.

Now...the first couple of years I used to record every bird and band number....WHAT A MESS....half the bird on the program are either dead, culled, or sold...and I put a lot of work with data entry for no reason and the program is full of birds that dont even need to be in the program.

So...I just bought a plain old hard bound leger. What I do is use one page for example "2009 Breeders" I then list every breeding pair for the year in the leger...I then give each pair a number..the number matches the number of the nest box they occupy. So for example

Cocks Hens

343-NCRC-04-R 747-IPB-05-R Pair # 1

And so on...I do this on the fist page.

Then the following pages I will put he Month and then enter the band number of the offspring...(in order of band number)...then I put the color of the bird...and then the pair # of the parents. So if I then want to see the parents of a certain bird...I flip back to the first"2009 BREEDERS" page and look for the pair #..

If a bird rolls down or is culled or even taken by a BOP...I just get out my leger and put a line through the bird and then write...roll down 5 months old...or BOP attack..7/1/10 or what have you.

That book stays in the loft at all times. Now...if I have a good bird that I stock....then I enter it into the pigeon computer program...because I know that bird will be used and is entered into the program for pedigree or prodigy purposes only. It just cut down entering every pair for each year...entering every single bird.....for most of the time nothing.

If I need to look up a bird real quick...the numbers are in my leger.....I only enter a bird in the program that has worth or has earned the right to track the relatives or the prodigy(offspring)

Just found a way to remove a lot of work.....

Now if you have a bird that lets say you sold and the flier calls you up a year later and says..this bird is rock n and roll n and they would like a pedigree....all I do is get my leger...find the pair that produced the bird...enter that one pair into the program....and then enter the band number of the bird in questio...and then hit the button for peds...the program will automatically...find the parents and build the pedigree.....that way you are only entering the birds that have worth.

rock and ROLL


Jeff (DJJEFF) took photos of my leger...maybe he can post a photo...I know that he has in the past..I will look for them too.

Last Edited by on Jul 17, 2010 9:59 AM
donnie james
1083 posts
Jul 17, 2010
11:54 AM
hay john,
i have an extra copy of the breeding record and performance details and gene populations if you want them i could send them to you give me a private email at with ur mailing address i can send them out monday's mail
Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000
2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient
"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
Sound Rollers
359 posts
Jul 25, 2010
4:30 AM
Donnie, I received the breeding records, thank you very much. I might reproduce them in MS Word. If you have Word I can e-mail you copies if you like.

donnie james
1109 posts
Jul 25, 2010
9:32 PM
hay john,
go ahead and sent them and i'll get my brother to down the the ms word when he comes down hes smarter then what i aim with computers
Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000
2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient
"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
383 posts
Jul 26, 2010
3:40 PM
on you can download a free program. you will have to go to the links then look for nash in there you will find the program it will generate peds automatically for you once you put all your info in with a touch of a button. very easy to use its a lot like power pigeon


Last Edited by on Jul 26, 2010 3:42 PM

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