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turkey buzzard
152 posts
Aug 30, 2010
11:26 AM
I could go on and on about the convention but the Cali guys did an outstanding job. It was great to see everyone wearing there respective club T-shirts. It was so cool to put names to faces like (Spanky). The treat was again seeing Nick Siders, Ferrel Bussing, Rich Hayes, and Rich Farr and so many others. The birds were truely hampered by heat and the molt. Birds were not working together rolling out/off the side wings straight out. Most fliers flew young bird kits. Every house observed had lots of great individual birds that anyone on the list would want. Congratulations to Rick Schoenig and George Mason for the Hall of Fame introduction. I'm sure someone may post pictures, this for sure will be a hard one to beat !!!
510 posts
Aug 30, 2010
1:27 PM
I have one thing to say, I tip my hat off to you, This world needs more people like you,

I had a great time at this years Convention, Met and made great friends on this journey, This trip is one ill never forget, The Cali guys put on a great show, The hospitality was outstanding.

Im still catching up on my Sleep LOL.

Again thanks to everyone that made it memorable.
"Color is not an option"
2521 posts
Aug 30, 2010
2:04 PM
Congratulations to Lil Rick, Alanzo Cano and Willie Wright for a job well done. It was great fun seeing old friends and meeting so many of my RPDC posting-mates. It was a great opportunity to see the Reed-Higgins birds in action. As always, we find outstanding performers in every family. The banquet and auction are always one of the highlights of the weekend. I was very pleased to see that so many of the top performers in California have incorporated the same family of birds that I fly into their breeding programs. Paul Fullerton and I also had the opportunity to exchange some great ideas regarding the breed standard that we are working on.
Great job guys!

Last Edited by on Aug 30, 2010 2:07 PM
920 posts
Aug 30, 2010
7:16 PM


Last Edited by on Aug 30, 2010 7:17 PM
213 posts
Aug 30, 2010
8:05 PM
Carl,Tony,Cliff and Spanky can't wait to do it again next year!
turkey buzzard
153 posts
Aug 31, 2010
5:39 AM
I'm there the chick I took really enjoyed the event and the pretty doves at Tim Deckers house. The girls in the motel room both nights were the BOMB!!!! South Central Roller club was smokin.
2323 posts
Aug 31, 2010
6:37 AM
I had a great time. Got to meet Paul Gomez, Hector, BMC, Keith London, Steve smith, Abel, Hagens, Tim Decker and many others. I got to meet many from Canada and Hawaii. Also got to see many of the friends that I made through the years by attending the conventions. It was a very good trip.

Jay Alnimer
2522 posts
Aug 31, 2010
8:29 AM
Thanks for the guided tours on the bus ride so we could see a little of the sights of area. And especially I thank you for the breakfast from Mickee Dee's. It sure made the morning a lettle less hectic!

As always...spending time with you under the birds is always a great time, my friend. I look forward to seeing you again next year, if not before.

Last Edited by on Aug 31, 2010 8:44 AM
2523 posts
Aug 31, 2010
8:37 AM
I gotta tell everyone about one of my favorite moments during the convention. During the auction, several of us out-of-towners won raffle items that we could not bring home on the planes. Booker, from Calilfornia, had his six-year-old son with him at the banquet, and many of us started giving this young man items that we had won. First he got a Tim Decker hen, then a bag of feed. Then I donated a 4-foot wooden feeeder to him and a Tim Decker cock that JStar won and had given to me, to go with the hen he already had. Then Turkeybuzzard (Carl Braker) won a 25-bird kitbox in the raffle. He went over and picked the little guy up (Booker's son) and placed him inside his new kitbox that he was given and everyone started taking pictures. This kid was beaming and Booker was practically moved to tears by everyone's generosity. His son asked "What have I done to deserve all this?"....It was a very special time and everyone left with a warm feeling in their hearts! Good job guys!!!

Last Edited by on Aug 31, 2010 8:37 AM
2324 posts
Aug 31, 2010
8:58 AM
Tim, it was a pleasure meeting you.

Jay Alnimer
1134 posts
Aug 31, 2010
10:43 AM
Saturday I went on the bus ride and it was a day like no other.. for me at least..!!
First I went into the hotel and met this tall lanky guy who looked like Randy Johnson, the pitcher... Turns out to be Cliff Ball..!! Shortly after that I met J Star. Then Paul Fullerton... I thought we were having a Roller-pigeon showdown..!!

There were 3 big tour busses and several cars going on the all day caravan. First up through some rocky hills to an incredible house on top, where Randy Gibson flew his very active kit.

After that we went on a sort of misdirected route to Tim Deckers. Tim's kit split into two 10 bird groups, but he had some impressive individual performances.

Next, nearby was Marshall Duncan's home and loft. He put up some great rollers..!! Considering that the birds are molting their middle primaries at this time, the performances were awesome. I would really like to see them after the moult is over. Personally this was my favorite.

Next on the agenda was Abel Ibarra. He likewise flew some very impressive birds. He let out at least 4 kits, and at times it looked like it was raining pigeons.

Following our lunch we went to Sal Mendez's and Keith Londons' where we were intertained with two more good roller exhibitions.

All day we were surrounded with icons of today's roller hobby. I got to meet Rick Mee, who I later learned is responsible for the great fly statistics being entered into the NBRC site. Great work Rick..!!

Then there was My old friend Frank Lavin who kept us laughing all the way back from the trip. Rich Hayes..World Cup winner.. Rodman Pasco, 20 bird fly winner all the way from Hawaii.

Really there were too many to mention... Plus the local guys were there in force, of course..

Cliff mentions Booker.. Well, not only was Booker's son there, but his dad was too.! A three generation roller family. And what made this even more special to me was when Booker told his son that I was the writer of his favorite roller story, "The Saga of the Odd Egg"

It was quite a day to remember..

Paul Gomez
2326 posts
Aug 31, 2010
11:56 AM
I won at the auction a pair of squeeks from Dave Vang who claims are from his best breeder pair. Once Alonzo Cano ships them to me, I intend to fly them hard and if I like what I see, I plan to incoroprate them into my family of birds. Thanks Dave for making them available.

Jay Alnimer
214 posts
Aug 31, 2010
12:19 PM
Hey Jay, it's always a pleasure talking birds with you and Cliff. Cliff, not a problem picking up the McDonalds. Now if I only could have reminded Wendall not to forget his belt on the first day, oh well we got some laughs out of it.
turkey buzzard
154 posts
Aug 31, 2010
1:26 PM
Cliff if no one is willing to put up the convention next year will you guys take the lead and have it again. P.S. Good luck from the hurricane how far are you from the coast line. Prayers sent to everyone on the eastern sea board.
4423 posts
Aug 31, 2010
4:31 PM
I met some old friends for the first time; I met many old friends for umpteenth time. Ferrell and I missed the bus the second day which was disheartening for us. We did tour LA that day and had a good time. Many more of us should have brought our kids as Booker did. It is an education for them and the future of the hobby is with them. The discussion period on Friday was very informative and very aluminating. Many people found themselves in a temporary denial and tried to leave all feeling good, but their is some things that are a little lopsided that do need to be fixed within and outside the club. Denial is an enemy to all of this.

There should not be one of us who does not have concerns and we need the the energy and the honest effort to fix it.

Carl; Jay; Ferrell; Kevin; Tim D; Steve; Spanky; Willie W.; Willie S.; Lee; Pineapple; Bob H.(my mentor); Joe Dan; and the many others it was a pleasure. It was all worth it; it was all good.
Think Outside The Box
Nick Siders
2524 posts
Aug 31, 2010
7:06 PM
We are looking into it very seriously (the convention), and waiting to hear from the guys in the other club. I'm in the middle of the state about four hours from the coast so we don't expect any weather from the storm, so don't worry. Thanks for your concern!
2328 posts
Sep 01, 2010
5:53 PM
Cliff, did you get the box ready and it is on its way to me yet? If not, what are you waiting for (lol)? Looking forward to receive them...thanks.

2525 posts
Sep 01, 2010
6:31 PM
I got the boxes out but cannot find Alonzo's address! He isn't listed in the NBRC directory either. I'll try to call him tommorrow if I can find a phone number.
Rick Mee
50 posts
Sep 01, 2010
8:22 PM
Carl, you look too comfortable laying on Gibson's putting green. LOL

Rick Mee
51 posts
Sep 01, 2010
8:26 PM
Aaron and Tony, the Canadian duo! Had a great time hanging with these guys.

Rick Mee
52 posts
Sep 01, 2010
8:28 PM
Myself and my best pigeon buddy, Ray Lewis of WA. Ray and I were stationed at Ft. Lewis, WA together in the mid 90s. Keep your eye on Ray, he will be a household name in the next few years.

Rick Mee
53 posts
Sep 01, 2010
8:29 PM
Tim Paustian & Brian McCormick

Rick Mee
54 posts
Sep 01, 2010
8:31 PM
Rich Hayes left, myself right

Rick Mee
55 posts
Sep 01, 2010
8:34 PM
If you ever see these guys at a convention, run! They will keep your butt up to the wee hours of the morning, make you laugh all day fact I just can't wait to see my new brothers again!

Cho Cho, Gus, and Jamie


Last Edited by on Sep 01, 2010 8:34 PM
turkey buzzard
155 posts
Sep 02, 2010
5:28 AM
The Brothers from South Central Roller club were awesome made my trip all the more worth while. I can truely say we are so blessed to have individuals like you, the Canadians, Californians, and everyone else. Thanks for the Pictures I thing you got my best side
Rick Mee
56 posts
Sep 02, 2010
7:16 AM
Carl, I have more of you and the others, just too much work to post them to my web site and also here. LOL Take a look when you get a chance, I took about 50.
4427 posts
Sep 02, 2010
10:10 AM
This is the day I missed the bus. I am glad you have pictures and I am really sorry I missed Brian McCormick.
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders
2526 posts
Sep 02, 2010
12:09 PM
Great photos, Rick! Hey Jay, try to post the pictures that you took (and send them to me!) By the way, I found Alonzo's address and the boxes are on their way.

It was good to see a strong turn out by our Canadian friends.....a great bunch of guys....ya gotta love that accent! LOL! I understand that the NBRC EC is currently voting as to whether they can compete in the NBRC competitions.
Rick Mee
57 posts
Sep 03, 2010
6:31 AM
Cliff, if the EC doesn't allow for 1-2 extra days to judge the Canadian finalists then they are not interested in the betterment of our hobby. Tony asked one of the EC members if he would support him in trying to get the EC to allow his countrymen to participate and the guy said he would not support it with absolutely no explanation. Man if I would have been there! What a jerk!

I just posted the rest of the pics, just too many to post here. If you want some in particular just identify them and I will send them to you personally through email.

Hey, if the NBRC wants to say that the NCF is just a "National Fly" and we can't have any "outsiders" participating then I say just change the name to the North American Roller Fly.

I hate it when guys try to screw up a good thing. The NBRC Fall Fly was Jim Perri's idea, then he suddenly died and it fell on the shoulders of Jim Schneider, Bob Berggren, and myself. It was supposed to be a young bird fly. I told Jim I would not judge if it were merely a YB Fly because the year prior JoeBob and I judged in England together and the YB kits could not hold a candle to the OB kits. If a guy is going to judge the finals he wants to see the best, not just a guy's best YBs. Anyway, that is how the NBRC Fall Fly, later renamed the Jim Perri Memorial Fly, and now the National Championship Fly became an any age roller fly.
Rick Mee
58 posts
Sep 03, 2010
6:37 AM
And for the history buffs. When JoeBob and I went to England in 1995, or was it 1994, JoeBob judged the kits and I kept score. My job was to identify the best old bird, and young bird during the entire fly. These birds would be crowned the top young bird and old bird individuals and are held in high esteem in England. The best YB was bred by Les Bezance, little did I know that he won this title the 3 years prior consecutively. George Kitson (deceased) had the best old bird which was a beautiful black mottle which was bred down from two Mason birds. The second "Winners With Spinners" which Gram Dexter wrote had this bird I picked on he front cover.

Just a bit of roller history brothers.

Rick Mee
1081 posts
Sep 03, 2010
5:25 PM
very cool info Rick. Thanks for sharing. Joe
J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners
696 posts
Sep 03, 2010
5:42 PM
How can it be a National Championship fly if we let the Canadians enter it? I think you are way off base here Rick!!
Keep em Spinning
Rick Mee
60 posts
Sep 03, 2010
7:17 PM
The Canadians always flew in the past, just not the last few years due to no one up there doing the coordinating. Recently the NBRC EC voted to nix the RDs outside the US from being able to vote on NCF procedures since they obviously would not fly, Canada was discussed. Since Canada was not actively flying the NCF the EC just voted that only US RDs would be able to vote on NCF items of interest, Canada in the back of their mind. If Canada would have been actively participating this would not have occurred, especially if Monty was still alive and the guys up north of us were organized and active. Now there is a resurgence of interest north of us and it will only take 1-2 extra days to include them. If it were up to would be a done deal! They have some new blood up there that is working hard to get things rolling, (no pun intended)it would be really a shame that they be limited to merely the WC because we don't want to add another 1-2 days on the final schedule.

I am all about inclusion, not exclusion.
2648 posts
Sep 03, 2010
8:05 PM

The same way Hockey calls it the National Hockey League or the National Basketball Association..both have a couple of Canadian me nof difference.

rock and ROLL


Last Edited by on Sep 03, 2010 8:06 PM
2649 posts
Sep 03, 2010
8:10 PM
I am on the EC and I am in full support of the Canadians being allowed to fly. I know who the EC member was that told Tony that...and well...does NOT surprise me. I am with Rick....inclusion not exclusion.

rock and ROLL

Rick Mee
62 posts
Sep 03, 2010
8:19 PM
Paul, and the MLB has the Expos. LOL Good point!
511 posts
Sep 03, 2010
9:03 PM
If Canada never flew in the NCF before, I can see where the problem would come from and allowing changes to occur, But, we did fly at one point, And I really dont see why there should be any problem rejoining, Take it as a leave of absence, We support it as much as another member. I heard a few negative comments at the convention while I was there, about allowing Us to fly, But why? Really is it that much of a big deal? We are fellow members, A Team, A supporting Organization In a hobby we love, I really hope it comes up with a positive outcome.

"Color is not an option"

Last Edited by on Sep 03, 2010 9:07 PM
698 posts
Sep 04, 2010
4:22 AM
Hey Paul,
When was the last time a college from Canada played in the NCAA tournament. The NHL and NBA call their champions, world champs not national champs. I realize this is splitting hairs. I really have no problem with the Canadians flying in the Fall Fly, change the name back and include them.
Like Rick I remember when it was called the Young Bird Fly and nobody participated. Hell while we are at it, why don't we try to get some flyers from Europe, South Africa and Austrailia and we could call it the Fall World Cup Fly.
Keep em Spinning
3131 posts
Sep 04, 2010
7:46 AM
I thought that the only reason that they weren't any more was because of the lack of no one carrying the ball up there... I judged BC for the Fall fly back when they were part of the Wash. region.
Scott Campbell

" God Bless "
Rick Mee
63 posts
Sep 04, 2010
11:37 AM
It never was called the Young Bird Fly, it was first called the NBRC Fall Fly, later the Jim Perri Memorial Fly, then the NCF. The Canadians flew in it from the get go, Monty died and several guys up there either quit or lost interest. Including them again will help foster growth and support their recent interest in competing again......including the Canadians is a win win situation for our hobby.
700 posts
Sep 04, 2010
12:10 PM
The NBRC bulletins I got back in the 80s advertised it as the NBRC Young Bird Fly.
Hell I don't care, change the name back to Fall Fly and include our neighbors up north.
Keep em Spinning
Rick Mee
67 posts
Sep 04, 2010
12:21 PM
It started in 1996, I helped organize it, then I judged it.
701 posts
Sep 04, 2010
12:30 PM
OK the 90s then, I've got stacks of the old bulletins in my basement. I'll see if I can find one to jog my memory. This seems to be a silly argument, you have your opinion and I have mine. Peace Brother. All the Way!!
Keep em Spinning

Last Edited by on Sep 04, 2010 12:53 PM
Rick Mee
69 posts
Sep 04, 2010
6:44 PM
No argument here Joe, just trying to state some factual dates so the guys who may be new to the hobby are aware of the chain of events that lead to the NBRC having a fall fly.

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