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Hello from a new member

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1 post
Sep 02, 2010
2:07 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Boris. I am from Geelong in Australia. For only about a year now I have been keeping some Australian strains of rollers and recently bought some second generation Heiners which I have not flown yet. I have been reading this forum for a while now and only just figured out how to get over a few site hurdles to join the forum. I am a member of the Melbourne roller club of which Adrian Gasparini the world fly judge is a member of. I am looking forward to learning and contributing here. Regards Boris
4428 posts
Sep 02, 2010
2:26 PM
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders
donnie james
1151 posts
Sep 02, 2010
4:18 PM
hay boris,
also i want to welcome to the site and sure that if you have any questions about the roller someone will give an answer on your questions
Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000
2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient
"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
2018 posts
Sep 02, 2010
5:45 PM
Hey Boris, WELCOME!

2979 posts
Sep 02, 2010
5:59 PM
2329 posts
Sep 02, 2010
7:21 PM
Enjoy the site and the freindship. Welcome...

Jay Alnimer
Sammy W
42 posts
Sep 02, 2010
7:22 PM
Welcome my new friend.
692 posts
Sep 02, 2010
9:01 PM
Welcome and enjoy
RT Williams
Brink of Rolling Loft
2 posts
Sep 02, 2010
10:26 PM
Please excuse the delay in my response as the time difference between our countries is a hurdle. While Im getting ready to go to work I think most of you are just finishing up for the day.
26 posts
Sep 03, 2010
5:38 AM
Welcome and yes you will learn a lot from these guys.If you want to know something just ask.
228 posts
Sep 03, 2010
8:55 AM
Welcome to the site, I look forward to reading your posts.
Dave - Hesperia, CA.

(San Bernardino Mountain Spinners)
2527 posts
Sep 03, 2010
6:24 PM
It's good to have you aboard, Boris. Good luck with your birds.....don't be afraid to ask questions!! LOL!
Rick Mee
61 posts
Sep 03, 2010
7:22 PM
With a handle such as Turmani you must be from the former USSR? LOL My wife is Ukranian, dad flew Russian breeds in Ukraina, Russia, and Germany.

What is your story Boris?

I am going to bet you are either Polish, Russian, or Ukranian...right? :-)

3 posts
Sep 03, 2010
8:52 PM
Rick, I am Russian/Serbian, born in Australia, survive on Russian culture which I find a little more peaceful than Serbian/Croation but love everyone. I had no idea how many beautiful breeds Russia and its neighbours had up until about a year ago. Neither did my wife Svetlana who is from Volgograd. I lived in Serbia for about 3 years as a child because my father abducted me from Australia after a bitter divorce. He had pigeons living in his attic. After I came back to Australia I snuck some pigeons into a box behind the shed at home and kept them for a few years. Now at 38 I have bought some for my kids at first and then got a little more serious with them myself after discovering the talented birmingham roller. I have kept highfliers, fantails, turkish tumblers and racers. Now I only keep birminghams, pure white racers and a couple of chooks. I find 'most' pigeon people to be a friendly, decent family orientated people. At the moment my daughter and I are trying to prepare a white racer for our and her first show in 6 weeks.
4 posts
Sep 03, 2010
9:20 PM
Ive had my birm's now since January. Very inexperienced I started with about 100 by collecting them from everywhere mostly as young squeakers. I have gone through a process of first eliminating the non kitters and early returns and most recently the ones that still dont roll. A few days ago I lost a few birds because a small bbq fire spooked them so now only have 23 out of 32 in one kit box and some breeders that I hope will prove themselves in the next generation. My young kit is consistently breaking but the birds are not deep at about 3-4 turns. My deeper birds are in the breeders pen now with my new 2nd generation Heiner Bijker Birds that have not flown yet. It is very difficult to buy super birds here even if in a club. My biggest hope and worry is that my kit gets deeper with age. Regards Boris
5 posts
Sep 03, 2010
9:29 PM
I am wondering who else on here is from Australia. I know of Toughrollers who is known in my club but is there anyone else.
Rick Mee
65 posts
Sep 04, 2010
12:08 PM

My wife and daughters just returned from a 2 month trip to Ukraina and Russia. My wife was living in Norvogrod when I first met her. My friend Ken Easley married my wife's childhood friend about 15 years back while he was working in Siberia, I was introduced to my wife 10 years ago and we have been married for 8 years.

There are a lot of guys in Australia. Get in touch With Adrian Gasparini, he will put you in touch with the lads over there. His email address is,

I also have contact information on guys who live in the following Australian cities.

Litle Bay
Mt Pleasand
New S. Wales

Let me know which is closest to you and I will put you in touch with them.

Above all, join the National Birmingham Roller Club, the largest roller club in the world. If someone gets a bird from me I make sure they join the NBRC.

Click on my name and you will find my contact info.
6 posts
Sep 04, 2010
4:31 PM
Hello again Rick, I know Adrian as we are in the same club. Even though I have been to a number of club flys I have not seen 'his' birds fly yet. Probably because he has been busy as the world fly judge. I am in the state of Victoria and near the state capital of Melbourne where I travel to to participate in the flys. Last Sunday I was a judges assistant/time keeper in the fly. The best birds I have seen so far belong to an Andrew Androutsos of Melbourne who does not sell his limited number of birds yet. Regards Boris
Rocky Lofts
146 posts
Sep 04, 2010
5:29 PM
Hey Boris, Welcome to a great site iam also from melbourne Australia.
Cheers, Rocky
"Rocky Lofts"
7 posts
Sep 04, 2010
6:12 PM
Pleased to meet you Rocky. My ISP is changing to Highspeed Internet and Ive had speed and download troubles for a month now. Are you in any clubs here Rocky?
323 posts
Sep 04, 2010
6:26 PM
Welcome Boris,enjoy the site.
8 posts
Sep 04, 2010
6:34 PM
Hi Ralph, I think you know Alan from Lara? Most of my birds are from him. Hes an absolute gentleman. Always helping me out.
324 posts
Sep 04, 2010
6:44 PM
Hi Boris, yes I do know Alan. He is a true gentleman, always willing to help others in need. I'm sure your birds are of top standard coming from him. Wishing you well.
Windjammer Loft
1137 posts
Sep 05, 2010
5:09 AM
Hey Boris... welcome to our part of the world of rollers. Hope you enjoy your ride...

Fly High and Roll On

Bill C
552 posts
Sep 05, 2010
12:42 PM
Hi Boris, I see you finally got through. I sent Tony your message and glad to see you are able to read and post. Good luck Bill C

Last Edited by on Sep 05, 2010 12:42 PM
9 posts
Sep 05, 2010
2:06 PM
Thanks Bill, there was a couple hurdles that I had to get around.
285 posts
Sep 06, 2010
11:41 AM
Welcome to the Roller community. Have fun and enjoy.
DJJeffman Spinners


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