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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > NBRC Region 5 National Fly
NBRC Region 5 National Fly

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4433 posts
Sep 09, 2010
3:35 PM
12 Fliers signed up so far.

Mark Wilson
Sal Ortiz
Kenny Henderson
Mike Allen
Nick Siders
Dan Galarza
Jack Reed
Linda Siders
James Harrison
Dennis Blackmore
Bud Lewman

6 Eleven Bird Kits
12 Twenty Bird Kits
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders

Last Edited by on Sep 15, 2010 7:57 PM
4434 posts
Sep 09, 2010
5:36 PM
Last year we had 31 fliers flying 43 kits. So, we got a ways to go. Deadline is October 1
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders
2716 posts
Sep 10, 2010
7:28 AM
What days are we flying?
Sal Ortiz
703 posts
Sep 10, 2010
10:23 AM
You have it scheduled in the middle of the heaviest BOP migration period for us up here. Not sure you will get a lot of participation from Kansas this year.
Keep em Spinning
4435 posts
Sep 10, 2010
11:27 AM
Joe, no matter when I schedule it some guys say every year I have it in the middle of BOP migration.........every year.
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders
4436 posts
Sep 10, 2010
11:30 AM
Sal - we will fly it beginning )October 31 running thru November 7 or 8 depending how many I get signed up.
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders
4437 posts
Sep 10, 2010
11:33 AM
The judge will be Ricky Arnold from Los Angeles
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders
4438 posts
Sep 10, 2010
11:36 AM
Kansas must have a migration of BOP from September thru November, but it is rare that I ever see a hawk in Kansas during a fly. Where I see the hawks is in Oklahoma and Arkansas during flies.
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders

Last Edited by on Sep 10, 2010 11:51 AM
2718 posts
Sep 10, 2010
12:59 PM
Thanks Nick!
Sal Ortiz
704 posts
Sep 10, 2010
4:08 PM
They are here now, had one hit my YB kit this morning. They will be here en masse until mid to late Dec. Gets worse every year. Makes it impossible to prep a kit for the Fall Fly, that is why I have given up on the Fall Fly. Not sure what Jim and Norm are going to do because Jim has it worse than me. Good luck.
Keep em Spinning
2719 posts
Sep 10, 2010
6:17 PM
Joe, I think Jim and Norm will fly. They are strong when it comes to competing. Talked to Jim just a few days ago and he and Dixie are leaning towards flying. I have them too Joe. It is nothing new on this side. Good luck with your birds!
Sal Ortiz
705 posts
Sep 11, 2010
4:09 PM
Have you ever witnessed 6 or 7 BOP attacking your kit at the same time. That is what happened to me today. Flew my main kit of 22 old birds, got 14 back. I don't have anything left to fly if I wanted to fly. This may be it for me, thinking about getting out of pigeons all together with all these BOP problems. Ron Harrison is having the same problem so he told me today he is going to drop out of the Fall Fly. Good luck boys, I wish you all well.
Keep em Spinning
10 posts
Sep 11, 2010
4:36 PM
Wow, 6-7 BOP at once, that would be a sight to record. I get frustrated by two Peregrines sometimes hitting my birds twice a week. Luckily I havent seen one for a few weeks as Im starting to fly new squeakers and they are doing great. I'M EXCITED!
2720 posts
Sep 11, 2010
5:44 PM
Joe, I have, I am from Southern California...LOL.. I used to loose about 100+ birds a year to the BOP.. I think anything with wings took one out there. All kidding aside, I understand. I have had my share of losses this year already and I know I will have more. I just try and slow it down by shutting down for weeks at a time. My wife actually loves it as that is when I catch up on my honey wish you luck with your final decision on the matter, you will be missed.
Sal Ortiz
4444 posts
Sep 11, 2010
6:54 PM
Joe, Probably what you got is a pair of adults and 4 or 5 of their youngsters. They will hunt as a group until the youngsters mature and then the parents will run them off.
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders

Last Edited by on Sep 11, 2010 6:55 PM
2721 posts
Sep 11, 2010
8:00 PM
Nick, I agree.
Sal Ortiz
706 posts
Sep 12, 2010
5:04 AM
You may well be right, I had never seen that kind of mass attack before . The rest of kit is so spooked that they will be ruined for some time. Last night a sparrow flew into their kitbox and the whole kit went nuts. I hope some of the MIA may show up in the next day or so. Maybe I will have something to fly next spring. Good luck to all of Region 5.
Keep em Spinning
38 posts
Sep 15, 2010
3:02 PM
Nick,Bud Lewman, is going to fly a 20 bird kit. He will be sending his money in a day or two,And i am not sure i will have any birds by then the coopers are eating them up.
4445 posts
Sep 15, 2010
7:58 PM
Thanks Mark. Got to make sure he is a NBRC member. I don't show him yet.
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Nick Siders
39 posts
Sep 16, 2010
5:20 PM
Nick, Bud will be a member of the nbrc in a couple of days...He has some good young birds flying he is ready for the fly..
2724 posts
Sep 17, 2010
10:46 AM
Mark, shut your birds down for a couple of weeks, it might help to keep the BOP away. Good luck!
Sal Ortiz
2725 posts
Sep 17, 2010
10:46 AM
Mark, shut your birds down for a couple of weeks, it might help to keep the BOP away. Good luck!
Sal Ortiz
40 posts
Sep 17, 2010
9:40 PM
I will try that thanks Sal.

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