22 posts
Feb 01, 2005
5:58 PM
I came home from work & saw one bird walking as if it were drunk.Falling from side to side but very alert.I thought it might have rolled & hit it self on the ground in the loft.Its a breeder.Can anyone tell me what this might be? Gonzalo.
16 posts
Feb 01, 2005
8:09 PM
Hey Chalo I would call Jedds or a pigeon supply store near you and tell them your symptoms. Put some white typing paper over the bottom of its cage and collect the droppings to describe what they look like. That can help diagnosis. Seperate this bird from the rest of your flock just in case you have a bad disease. I have had cock birds go light and by the time I noticed they were sick ( walking like a drunk ) it was too late and the birds system shut down and it could not digest food and starved to death. You will want to have on hand some medication for various diseases so if you have a problem you can treat the breeders that are infected right away. I have on hand Baytyl and 4 in 1 and wormer medication along with organic apple cider, pro-bios which is a good gut bacteria. I have a book on disease and you should get one if you are a new guy. Many diseases have simialr symptoms and Jedds can help you if you know what the waste looks like. Jedds # is 714-630-5264 they have been helpful to me in the past. I got a book by Dr. David Marx DMV veterinary apporach to pigeon health. Post what the droppings look like and some of us can help give you some ideas as to what it might be. But be sure and seperate the sick birds as far away from the rest of your flock and don't let birds drink out of community water pans or you can have an outbreak. Bill C
17 posts
Feb 01, 2005
8:13 PM
Chalo I read your post again. This bird could have rolled it its cage but isolate it and check the droppings and see if they are watery or green or smell worse than normal. Better safe than sorry. Good luck! Bill C
23 posts
Feb 01, 2005
8:48 PM
Thanks Bill,She looks perfectly normal now.It looked dizzy.Isaw its droppings & looks solid not runny & regular color.Maybe it rolled on its way to the perch.I'll keep an eye on it though. Gonzalo.
18 posts
Feb 02, 2005
10:32 PM
Hey Chalo, Today I was flying some kit birds during my lunch break and I heard a comotion in a breed cage. The breeders have been together aprx one week. I went to investigate what was going on. A black hen was kind of rolling in her cage. She couldn't walk staight and was very dizzy. She acted the same way as a bird that rolls down and keeps on having the roll impulse continue. I thought that was odd to have the same thing happen here as you did. I never thought to mention that if the bird looks fine the next few hours it is probably not sick. The droppings would be a good clue as to something wrong or going light. For a few minutes I thought the hen might be sick they way she turned her head and couldn't walk very well. After about 20 minutes she was in a nest and was fine. She was watching the kit birds fly from her cage and it caused her to go into a roll some how I think. Now I have learned yet something again about these Awesome birds. Bill C
24 posts
Feb 02, 2005
10:46 PM
I'm glad to hear she is fine.Maybe an X-File or ESP(LOL)! What scared me was the thought of keeping them clean as i can & still getting a disease.Maybe its a good trait in the blood & its natural instinct to roll.My hen is fine as it never happened.Now that i think of it I have a couple of younsters that fly very swift & quick in the loft as if trying to roll.Maybe that set her off? Thanks for the info. Bill Gonzalo.